peacecorps / Opportunity-Portal

CLOSED - Giving potential applicants a view into the Volunteer opportunities available, along with additional data to make an informed decision to join Peace Corps.
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Functionality: Filtering information for sorting and defaults #31

Open cdobday opened 10 years ago

cdobday commented 10 years ago

Do we have any work being done against what the filtering/sorting functionality will be? We need to be able to provide this to Kiki to work into the filtering page/design.

Keep in mind, it's great to go through the process with the lead-in pages once (region/sectors) but after that the filtering should be available on the results page with the option to make changes. (think making airline reservations.)

Also when filtered what is the default for presenting. By country first? (alphabetical order if more than one countries selected); Departure date? Are sectors grouped within? Think we need to come to closure on this what this will look like.

Thoughts -

Sectors: Education Youth in Development Health Community Economic Development Agriculture

Regions/Countries -- not sure how this filter will work?

Apply Date Departure Date (doesn't seem to make sense to sort by Know by date)

mhkane commented 10 years ago

@cdobday Which fields of the excel file corresponds to the Apply and Departure date? The different fields indicating dates are the PST start date, the invitation deadline, the last nom date and the staging start date ?

cdobday commented 10 years ago

Good question: staging start date = departure date Need to double check on the PST start date as I believe that is the apply by date. Chris