peacecorps / Opportunity-Portal

CLOSED - Giving potential applicants a view into the Volunteer opportunities available, along with additional data to make an informed decision to join Peace Corps.
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Opportunity Portal README

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Peace Corps Job Listing Project

Business Opportunity:

Posting detailed job listings related to a new shorter, faster application process are key steps in becoming even more transparent and modernized as an Agency. This project will make it possible for prospective Volunteers to view descriptive information about a specific Volunteer job on and our mobile site. For the short-term (July 1st), a job listing will include an “apply” prompt to start an application (to the Peace Corps generally) but the applicant will have the ability to inform Peace Corps recruitment of their interest in the specific assignment that was posted. Eventually, the prospect will be able to apply directly (and seamlessly) to that specific position.


Create a user-friendly display with sort/filtering functionality of Peace Corps Volunteer job listings that allow users to sort through Volunteer openings and find more detailed information about that specific position. Critical in this development progress, is ensuring that the prototype developed will integrate with the Peace Corps existing website and is responsive/platform agnostic.

Background Information:

Timeline and Tasks:

Tasks by June 1:



Tasks by July 1:


Technical Requirements:

Information to Display

The following is a list of fields that will be displayed in some fashion to potential applicants:

These fields can be viewed in an extracted file, JSR Full Extract 2014 0501. JSR stands for "Job Specific Requirements" and can be thought of as a job description file. This table of data is what we will automatically pull. The fields below are the ones we want to display in the Opportunity portal from that source.

Volunteers Requested



Staging Start Date

Project Title


Desired Skills

Project Desciption

Living Conditions

Language Requirements

Accepts Couples- This will likely be rolled into the living conditions....

Medical Considerations

Resources and Reference Files: