pearcej / opensource

Open Source: What it is and How to Contribute
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Open Source: What It Is and How to Contribute

Project Description

This textbook is designed for instructors, formal students, and self-learners. It explains what open source software is and teaches the basic skills of open source development incrementally, through real involvement in meaningful projects.

This book is continuously deployed here:, which is perfect for reference. If you are a self-learner, you might consider making a free account and reading at to be able to keep track of your progress. Instructors who wish to use this book as a textbook are encouraged to consider building a course using his book at Runestone Academy in order to take advantage of features such as reading assignments, testing, peer instruction, autograding and much more. For this use case, instuctors should consider joining the Runestone Interactive community and creating a course using opensource as the base course.