peardeck / peardeck-uikit

Pear Deck UI Kit
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Pear Deck UI Kit

Pear Deck UIKit is a collection of reusable React components, design resources, and guidelines for creating a consistent experience and feel for Pear Deck products.

This monorepo consists of the following packages:

Component Description
uikit-core Core React components
uikit-icons Pear Deck SVG icon components
uikit-storybook Component and design storybook and documentation
eslint-config A common eslint configuration used across Pear Deck projects



Installation Steps

This project uses the Github Package Registry (not NPM) to deploy packages.

  1. In your project root, create an .npmrc and add the following so that npm knows to find @peardeck-scoped packages there.
  1. Authenticate to the Github Package Registry via npm. When prompted for your username, use your Github username; for a password you will need to generate (or use an existing) Github personal access token with the read:packages scope as your password.
npm login --scope=@peardeck --registry=
  1. Add the necessary packages to your project.
# Using Yarn (preferred)
yarn add @peardeck/eslint-config @peardeck/uikit-core @peardeck/uikit-icons

# Using NPM
npm install --save @peardeck/eslint-config @peardeck/uikit-core @peardeck/uikit-icons
  1. Follow the directions in the of each package for specific instructions. See Usage, below, for quickly getting started with UIKit components.
Related links


Wrap your root component in a ThemeProvider using the defaultTheme:

import { defaultTheme, ThemeProvider } from "@peardeck/uikit-core";
import Root from "./Root"; // or whatever

export const App = () => (
  <ThemeProvider theme={defaultTheme}>
    <Root />


Ideally, most customization should be done at the theme level. For example:

import { defaultTheme, ThemeProvider } from "@peardeck/uikit-core";
import Root from "./Root"; // or whatever

const appTheme = {

  // Alter default media query breakpoints
  breakpoints: [200, 300, 400],

  // Tighter spacing scale than our default theme
  space: [0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256],

  // Dark theme with retro colors
  colors: {
    primary: "#0ff",
    seconday: "#b0f",
    accent: "#f0b",
    background: "#000",
    text: "#eee",
    muted: "#aaa",

export const App = () => (
  <ThemeProvider theme={appTheme}>
    <Root />

Individual components can be altered for one-off scenarios:

This should generally be avoided as much as possible, and if becomes necessary more often than not, the underlying theme should be modified to suit the use case.

import { defaultTheme, ThemeProvider } from "@peardeck/uikit-core";
import Root from "./Root"; // or whatever

export const App = () => (
  <ThemeProvider theme={defaultTheme}>
    <Box p="10em">
      <Heading1 color="red.9">This will be red text!</>