hfof is an open-source friends-of-friends (FoF) group finder in 3d and 2d (periodic and non-periodic), based on the following paper: arxiv:1805.04911.
Once you have downloaded hfof you will probably want to do the following:
Install (also builds the C-functions)
python setup.py install [--prefix=/myhome/my-site-packages]
and run the tests,
python setup.py test
These probably need at least python 2.7 and a (non-ancient) numpy and scipy.
In a python environment try
from hfof import fof, example_data
import numpy as np
pos = example_data.get_pos() # (32768,3) positions in [0,1]
pos[:,2] *= 0.0 # project (squash) z-dimension
r_cut = 0.004 # linking length
fof_labels = fof(pos, r_cut, boxsize=1.0) # integer labels from 0...
# color by number of particles in group
clrs = np.bincount(fof_labels)[fof_labels]
import pylab as pl
pl.scatter(pos[:,0],pos[:,1], c=np.power(clrs,0.3), s=1.0, edgecolors='none')
All of these are equivalent to running
python examples/example1.py
If you only want to do clustering on 2-d data I have now added the function
# pos an (N,2) array of positions
fof_labels = fof2d(pos, r_cut, boxsize=None) # integer labels from 0...
The 2d FoF (function fof2d
) is not described in the paper mentioned above, although it broadly follows the same
methodology as the 3d. The 2d domain is split in blocks which are further decomposed into 8x8 (=64) cells. The blocks are
entered into a hash-table, and as each point is added to a cell, we test for connection against the neighbouring cells.
In 2d this involves checking 10 neighbouring cells (excluding itself, and all those with larger indices), which can be
found in (up to) 4 blocks (including itself).
The code to pre-compute the neighbour masks is given in hfof\ngb_vals.py
and the actual computation is done in src\fof64_2d.c