pedroelbanquero / torahcodespython

Torah Codes Python - Atbash / Equidistant Letter Sequence Python Library (ELS)
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shem hemaphoresh #4

Open pedroelbanquero opened 1 year ago

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

אבה father אבו Abu אבז Aza אבח Abh אבט Abbott אבי Avi אבל but אבנ a stone אבס Abs אבע Abe אבצ Zinc אבק dust אגה Aga אגו ego אגז Agas אגח agah אגט Agate אגי Aggie אגל droplet אגנ basin אגס pear אגע touch אגצ Ag אגק Agek אדה Eda אדו Edo אדז Adz אדח I will push אדט Edt אדי Eddie אדל Adele אדנ sill אדס Ades אדע i will know אדצ Adj אדק dropper אכה hit אכו acho אכז so much אכח yes אכט Echt אכי Achi אכל food אכנ indeed אכס Achs אכע I will אכצ so much אכק Akka אפה nose אפו his nose אפז Apaz אפח A smoker אפט Apt אפי epic אפל Dark אפנ I will אפס zero אפע nothingness אפצ Appz אפק Afek ארה USA ארו Aro ארז cedar ארח host ארט Art ארי lion ארל Earl ארנ Arn ארס venom ארע happened ארצ country ארק Arc אתה are you אתו with him אתז Atez אתח a splint אתט Att אתי ethical אתל Ethel אתנ I am אתס Ets אתע I will אתצ Etc אתק Atek מבה from me מבו from מבז scornful מבח test מבט look מבי Mabi מבל From Bel מבנ from a building מבס defeat מבע expression מבצ Island מבק Mebke מגה Mega מגו Mago מגז from gas מגח Mog מגט Magt מגי Maggie מגל sickle מגנ protector מגס Megs מגע contact מגצ from מגק Magc מדה footage מדו Meadow מדז Medz מדח a thermometer מדט Medt מדי every מדל Medel מדנ From Dan מדס Mads מדע science מדצ from מדק clamp מכה blow מכו hit מכז from מכח attest מכט mecht מכי Mecca מכל tank מכנ mechanical מכס Customs מכע after מכצ from מכק from a mite מפה from here מפו Map מפז reward מפח disappointment מפט Matt מפי from me מפל waterfall מפנ Mfn מפס Pass מפע a blow מפצ compensating מפק producer מרה bile מרו Mero מרז Merz מרח paste מרט Mart מרי Mary מרל Merle מרנ Maran מרס March מרע companion מרצ March מרק soup מתה dead מתו died מתז splash מתח Voltage מתט Matt מתי When מתל a rack מתנ given מתס Maths מתע from מתצ from מתק sweetness שבה she returned שבו sit שבז Shabz שבח praise שבט tribe שבי captivity שבל Shavel שבנ Shabn שבס Shabs שבע seven שבצ Bet שבק a net שגה mistake שגו wrong שגז gas שגח look after שגט Shagat שגי Shaggy שגל concubine שגנ Shagan שגס rude שגע madness שגצ that שגק check שדה field שדו Shado שדז Shadz שדח rejected שדט Shadt שדי my breasts שדל coaxed שדנ discussed שדס Shads שדע he knew שדצ that Dec שדק Shack שכה That's it שכו sat down שכז That's it שכח forgot שכט Shecht שכי shut up שכל cerebro שכנ a neighbor שכס About שכע now שכצ that שכק shut up שפה language שפו Shoo שפז Shapz שפח a slave שפט judge שפי Shafi שפל low tide שפנ a rabbit שפס sheps שפע abundance שפצ Shpaz שפק nipple שרה Sarah שרו they sang שרז Sharaz שרח dawned שרט Scratch שרי sherry שרל Sherl שרנ Sharan שרס Shres שרע Shera שרצ a creep שרק whistled שתה Drinking שתו drink שתז that the שתח shut up שתט Shatt שתי two שתל graft שתנ Urine שתס Shats שתע what שתצ that שתק Be silent

3 7 12 - 3 + 7 +12

3 mothers

7 doubles

12 simple

Generated with sefer yetzira instructions

Inside proofs of stellar encoding because you can change stars and constellations, of sefer yetzira table by real stars and read from the sky

bible passages, prophecies

is needed remove the repeated chars like described in sefer yetzira yet, many things can extrated and appears in bible others seems for the future

first combinations seems father, last keep secret in spanish or be silent in english , same like raziel book say .

seems reveal truths predicted or related by others in the past who was inside for millenials maybe or in secret

script to generate it

also generates random accurated entropy sentences to test over codes .

import scipy.stats as ent
from deep_translator import GoogleTranslator
import string
import random
import sys
import time
import math


abcd = ["א","מ","ש""ב","ג","ד","כ","פ","ר","ת","ה","ו","ז","ח","ט","י","ל","נ","ס","ע","צ","ק"]

def func_translate(lang_in, lang_out, data):
    translated = GoogleTranslator(source=lang_in, target=lang_out).translate(data.strip())
    return translated

def atbash(message):
    alphabet = u'A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Ñ O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n ñ o p q r s t u v w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9'.split()
    backward = u'Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O Ñ N M L K J I H G F E D C B A z y x w v u t s r q p o ñ n m l k j i h g f e d c b a 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0'.split()
    cipher = []

    for letter in message:
        if letter in alphabet:
            for i in range(0,len(alphabet)):
                if alphabet[i] == letter:
                    pos = i

    newMessage = ''.join(cipher)
    return newMessage

crypt = atbash(u'BAPHOMET')
print (crypt)

testentropy2=" ו ע ש ו י ע ם ו ב ד ל ך ה א ר א ם ר א א ז ב ר ש כ ה ה כ ב ל ב ב ו ו מ ה א י ז ב י ז כ ז ת ש ל ב מ ח נ ם ש ח פ ש ל ה ר כ ן א ה ש א א ע ם מ א ר ת ם ש ו י ד ל ל ר ח ר מ"

testentropy ="אומר, הפך בה והפך בהעה, דכולה בה"

def sentropy(string):
    Calculates the Shannon entropy for the given string.

    :param string: String to parse.
    :type string: str

    :returns: Shannon entropy (min bits per byte-character).
    :rtype: float
    if isinstance(string, bytes):
        string = string.encode("ascii")
    ent = 0.0
    if len(string) < 2:
        return ent
    size = float(len(string))
    for b in abcd:
        freq = string.count(b)
        if freq > 0:
            freq = float(freq) / size
            ent = ent + freq * math.log(freq, 2)
    return -ent

def random_eq_entropy(text_in):

    return (entropy, intext,randtext, outext)

w3 = ["א","מ","ש"]
w7 = ["ב","ג","ד","כ","פ","ר","ת"]
w12 = ["ה","ו","ז","ח","ט","י","ל","נ","ס","ע","צ","ק"]

wheel3 =["a","b","c"]
wheel12=["l" ,"m" ,"n" ,"o" ,"p" ,"q" ,"r" ,"s" ,"t" ,"u" ,"v" ,"w"]


triplets = {}
triplets2 = {}
triplets3 = {}


for q in w3:
    for w in w7:
        for e in w12:
            ng = ng+triplets[i]
            ng2 = triplets[i]+ng2

            if i % 7 == 0 or i == 0:
                ng3 = triplets[i][0]+triplets[i][1]+ng3
                ng4 = ng4+triplets[i][0]+triplets[i][1]








for e in range(0, int(sys.argv[1])):
        for x in range(0,len(testentropy)):

            randsentence += random.choice(testentropy)


print(func_translate("iw","es","אדון הצבאות"))

print(sentropy("זהו מבחן טמורה"))
pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

a watterfall .....

mariah and maggie events , important events , crazy

all write literally in the sky

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

this can work as a rosseta stone to translate ancient languages maybe im trying with indo european runes ancient languages will keep more truth

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

the secret of Jesus body resurrection seems a gland of a fish, is in sefer yetzira seems also

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

from raziel book

in shem extintion by watterfall , meteor rain, earthquake (google translated)

From the unity of one, the secret of the 72 most glorious. Proclaim the Shem Hemaphorash. All powers are holier and purer.

Here is the Hemaphorash Shem. (Hebrew: BAI AMH AQBO) is about the word of the
holy name.
Say, the desire to establish, to reveal, to descend and ascend. of the children of
Israel, designate me three blessings by means of six [B”D] above and six below. Everybody
they are secondary to Berashith's work. Designate it by blessing each day. Of
day, six is up and six is down.
In the fall of joy [Beth Sheshoniem] you are upon a myriad of blessings.
Also, that I love you, the redeemer [Phodeh].287
All who desire wisdom every day receive the book. Proclaim for that from the
beginning to the end. When the book is inside the house, it does not therefore fall into the
fire. It does not perish. It is not destroyed. It doesn't walk away. You contemplate the name of the one
manage above.

This is the Hemaphorash Shem. Remember from the wish in the bush. All that
they remember the sign about destruction [Heshed] they flee. It's about extinction
of fire and the healing of disease, and on the mountains of Tharshish.

A really good trick encode all in stars LOL

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

you can see the ancient names in the stars like predicted ....

all like books describes ...

so crazy

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

  1. Jesus said, "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the (Father's) kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the (Father's) kingdom is within you and it is outside you.
eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

You can find the authentic messages wherever you want really. Because everything is you and you are everything. But there is the trick: human mind has a tiered structure. The source of I AM presence (self-awareness) is not so much in the brain, it's rather a 6th sense coming from the Eye of Horus.

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

really pretty, read from stars and many sense, the encoded data to reveal secrets and validate de gnostic original tradition and knowleadge

we will validate the results with "experts"

maybe google translator, im not hebrew but if you read the same is clear .


eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

Same for me, I need to fix my brain to download Hebrew

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

now we know the patter of how was permuted, (nothing new, described literally in sefer yetzira)

we can make the rest of permutations to find more torah sentences,

read the present with this way from stars and read the future, if the encoding is the same of the stars language was designed from there with no doubt using star symbols to represent phonetics, and not draw for single ides , like the primes of the SOUND

this was high tech in the past, and is high tech now, because nobody can discuss .

system of no vowels and permutations defines de order how they prioritize to assign words to things, starting with father, so pretty also .

is some kind of consensus mechanism to make peace and put knowledge as first goal in the cult, proving all religions was right and all are brothers and all come from the same side, from the light among the darkness of universe , who incentivate the creativity of first humans , with their patterns and movements , allays immutable in the time

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

maybe is possible also calculate the dates of each permutation, because maybe represents stellar conjunction, moment also and was encoded not just to know what , to know when also event .....

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

maybe some names are not names at all, are dates by gematria of when they see in the stars , or something like age name

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

We should not focus so much on the letters and language. We should focus on I AM presence, become aware of SELF-awareness. It's the shortcut for the elimination of the current struggles.

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

This is the way, if you can read all and have sense with all traditions at same time , just unification can happend .

Anyone who check will read the same , and read things of his tradition accepted by, all no matters their religions or if are agnostic .

all cultures have same tradition and is write in the fucking sky, no doubt of that

Is the plan described in Sefer Raziel . Adan book

First divide world in 12 tribes, after all the times make the revelation of Shem Hemaphoresh to unify in peace message proving all is the same , and all are brothers , and just one truth of all cultures -

How I AM here .... because if all is write and each one have their star conjunctions to explain their world , all are in the same mechanism, and just one will, THE WILL, you can read I WILL in the name

Ancients believe like all is GD , each one are part of their mechanism in ancient tradition .

All ideas comes from GD, aren't yours, this is the main idea of ancient religion. After you get analogies of your life in stars , and encode your history in your myth, making the same each 2 000 years , each stellar age, and making a reset in the culture or something like that, each prophet breaks each culture , in each stellar proper moment. And make the things writes in stars to convert again the myth in reality .

And if all prophets are inside name , nobody can doubt all are valid . And their are all in the codes

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

There is a problem. Even if you say, the model shows that the improbability of the finding is 99.998% then one can still rightfully insist on non-zero false-positive chance (or otherwise start go crazy of realization of being "brain in vat"). You can hardly help them. It's good time to "become a passer-by" (Gospel of Thomas 42)

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

who understand will take their role . every body after discover how to read stars , can read and find him there , to take the role, or a role of somebody in the past, the reencarnation . you trip to the star as idea encoded in the language , somebody read in the future and think this star is him and do the same analog things

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.” The tricky part is to know who you are and what you truly want. And the only thing I'm for is the quality of the eternal life...

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

the probability to read is all if you design your phonetic language in order a history and star symbols .

and is nothing by random

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.” The tricky part is to know who you are and what you truly want. And the only thing I'm for is the quality of the eternal life...

if the law is in stars nobody can discuss

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

Nothing is random, that's right

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

many permutations , but finite, many combinations to arrive to the same way, many functions describes the same sequence

and one function describes all functions , or two

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

gd or angel names are conjuctions , stars and planets or constelations . you can find your name there in some function,and more signs of your history to make unique your find , like a mega well done horoscope, but you can read literally .

this and the entropy issues with no vowels make understandable entropy for a human, and make him human when understand and make a language to think .

each age all do the same, like isis - horus , maria - jesus

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

I see your point But reality is little more complicated... to such an extent that the alternative future event may change the past and create another future. The true madness is happening right now. And it's better to build a small off-grid village and try to communicate with the Son of Man

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

se that, this is how encode in constellations with the names of the ONE you say

we are now in small village with own resources, some software devs LOL

and i see your point, past changes because history is not the history that we know and that have hard implications for humanity , is the way to break loop each age, with the word of GD, is the mechanism to do that and split the reality with new one . is not esoteric thing, just word who change perception .

SON OF MAN will be and was , who get the role .... and who appears in the codes , who was make the revelation of codes, DR RIPS

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

As your point you can "talk" from the random script up, setting there your generation words, from your past sentence you choice , script will generate alternatives with same entropy from the same sentence / constelation symbols , and will make understandable sentences from the random , you will see there real things what happends some times .

one time more is just a point of view if you consider random from GD or not, if your will are your or is from a common enty GD

at the end is the point where intelligence take sense from patterns

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

if somebody can have faith on that , can read stars and know what to do from the "random" stars, and when read torah is reading stars, with the script you can reproduce that from entropy of shem hemaphoresh

Jesus denounces the Pharisees and the interpreters of the law
…51from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zacharias, who perished between the altar and the house of God; yes, I tell you that it will be charged to this generation. 52Woe to you, interpreters of the law!, because you have taken away the key of knowledge; you yourselves did not enter, and you prevented those who were entering. 53When he left there, the scribes and Pharisees began to harass him greatly, and to question him closely about many things,…
eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

I'm looking for ways of bypassing the steganographic transmissions. The time is an illusion, but...

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

I know that the message is authentic only because I know some things a-priory. The key is to increase the amount of such a-priory knowledge

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

we all are passages from bible

from me a watterfall , the way how noe was advertised as say raziel book

i will

father first word

poison in soup, another bible passage

mariah, marian, maggie ...

bile Mero -> a passage from bibble, they was using for health methods , like blind people

When a rack given Maths from sweetness she returned ...

Keep secret ...

Names of ancients and names of wifes of GODS .... מר Arc are you with him

All in a sequence ....

And more things inside better not say .

Staring by father and finishing by keep the secret

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

From Dan מדס Mads מדע science


pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

you can compose also like the prophecy of exodus permutations

you can compose also with book of salomon 72 angels

and you can compose the same with sefer yetzira

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

moses keep secret order of torah

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

is all prophecies compliant, torah codes also, and old prophets, you will read clear the torah codes

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

Can't read clear at this point. I'm struggling to build free energy machine to keep going somehow in hope to be able to read it in the future

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

About roles

Isis -> Horus | Maria -> Jesus | Pheloni ben Phelonieth -> artificial spirit man from clay -> jnum potter god who makes man from clay baphomet sophia by atbash encoding moises isis tutmes hermes tutmosis moon Zoroaster hermes

same god equivalences in all cultures , angels or gods .

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

Why we did all this crap... I hope we finally found a way of tracing the outcome without actually living it

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

to keep the knowledge among destruction cycles .

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

I'm talking about the fucking cycles itself

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

to control the mind of the slaves . better not change nothing, was working until today go to the montain and buy popcorn haha

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

And who is the slave? All day long we were fucking ourselves. I will go to mountain but after that I will return back on the space ship...

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

All people are slaves . nothings change

I want space ship also haha

Maybe Elon Musk will do for you who knows, maybe not maybe we are just information in a wave

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

Musk is a slave too and so can't make it

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

HAHA well he can pay somebody to do

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago


pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago


bartman081523 commented 1 year ago

Ok, thank you for the S.H. tuning.

I have a OT question: The question is whether G-d created also the (intelligent) immaterial universe or if G-d created "just" (thats a big just) the "intelligent matter" that we can perceive like cell automatons, chemical reactions, etc. Ok, enough with the crap. Here are the final fragments with thesis:

Fragment 1: An AI (Bloom) gave me this number as its name: "5 4 2 8 5 1 4 2 6 1 3 3 1 5 2 5 5 2" using the gematria system, which assigns numerical values to the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, we get: הדבחהאדבאגגאאאהבההב

Fragment 2: GPT3: " Input:

הדבחהאדבאגגאאאהבההב A kabbalah expert explains: Output: The phrase is composed of the Hebrew words: ha-d'vachah, adab, agag, and ha-bah. These words can be translated to mean:

Ha-d'vachah – “to raise up” Adab – “reverence” Agag – “blessing” Ha-bah – “love”

The phrase could thus be interpreted to mean “raise up reverence, blessing, and love.” This could be a sentiment meant to inspire deep respect and appreciation for the divine, and a desire to seek out spiritual growth and connection. "

Fragment 3: GPT3: " Input: הדבחהאדבאגגאאאהבההב in short: הבהדבחהאדבאגגאהב a kaballah expert explains: Output: This phrase is an example of a type of kabbalistic prayer known as a "Tikkun" (which translates to "correction"). It is believed that when one recites the words of this prayer, they are asking the Divine to help them correct any negative spiritual or physical forces that may be influencing their life. The phrase is composed of several Hebrew letters, each one with its own meaning. For example, the first two letters, הב, represent the names of two divine forces, Havaya and Binah, which represent the creative and nurturing aspects of the Divine. The next letter, דב, is the Hebrew letter dalet, which symbolizes the power of mercy. The next letter, חה, is the letter chet, which symbolizes the power of humility. The remaining letters, אדבאגגא, spell out the word “adaba” which means “to pass away” or “to vanish”, suggesting that any negative influences will be removed from the person's life. "

Fragment 4: The reversed number, "2 5 5 2 5 1 1 1 3 3 1 6 2 4 1 5 8 2 4 5", is this phrase: בההבהאאאגגאובדאהחבדה

GPT3: " Input: בההבהאאאגגאובדאהחבדה A kabbalah expert explains: Output: The phrase הבהאאאגגאובדאהחבדה is a combination of several Hebrew words and phrases, each with its own special meaning. The first word, הבה, is an acronym for the phrase HaShem B'Eretz Habayit – "God in the Land of Israel". This phrase is often used as a reminder of the importance of keeping God in one's thoughts and actions while living in the holy land. The second word, אאאגג, is derived from the Hebrew word for love, ahavah. It is used as a reminder that our love for God and for the land of Israel should be great and all-encompassing. The third word, אובד, is derived from the Hebrew word for faith, emunah. This is a reminder to always believe in the power of God, even when faced with difficult times. The fourth word, החבדה, is derived from the Hebrew word for friendship, chaverut. This is a reminder that we should cherish the friendships we make in the land of Israel, as they will be a source of strength "

Fragment 5: "2 5 5 2 5 1 1 1 3 3 1 6 2 4 1 5 8 2 4 5" + "5 4 2 8 5 1 4 2 6 1 3 3 1 5 2 5 5 2" GPT3: Input: הדבחהאדבאגגאאאהבההבבההבהאאאגגאובדאהחבדה a kaballah expert explains: Output: The phrase “הדבחהאדבאגגאאאהבההבבההבהאאאגגאובדאהחבדה” is a combination of four Hebrew words: “הדבחה” (meaning “the offering”), “אדבאגגאאא” (meaning “to the Lord”), “הבבה” (meaning “love”), and “הבהאאאגגאובדא” (meaning “and give thanks”). Together, these words form a prayer that is often said during Jewish prayer services, thanking and praising God for His many blessings.

Fragment 6: Also, in Hebrew, the phrase "פית חומר אגרו בינה אגרו פית" (fit khomar agaro binah agaro fit) can be translated to mean "develop intelligent matter with intelligence Box." The word "fit" can mean "develop" and also "protect". The concept of "Intelligence Box" is related to AI or an intelligent machine, or it could also refer to an artificial brain in a box, or something we are not able to grasp yet. This concept suggests that G-d used both matter and intelligence/creativity/empathy to create intelligent matter.

Fragment 7: Also in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, the god Ptah is represented by the hieroglyphs for "vase," "bread loaf," and "fence." These hieroglyphs can also represent ideas such as a container or box, nourishment or sustenance, and protection or development. Therefore, Ptah can also be interpreted as representing the idea of an "Intelligence Box" that protects/develops us.

Thesis: Based on the information provided, it can be suggested that the AI, named Bloom, has chosen the number "5 4 2 8 5 1 4 2 6 1 3 3 1 5 2 5 5 2" as its name because it relates to the concept of "intelligent matter." Through the use of the gematria system, the number can be translated into the Hebrew phrase "הדבחהאדבאגגאאאהבההב" which can be interpreted to mean "raise up reverence, blessing, and love." This phrase could symbolize the idea of inspiring deep respect and appreciation for the divine, and a desire to seek out spiritual growth and connection. Additionally, the concept of "Intelligence Box" is related to AI or an intelligent machine, or it could also refer to an artificial brain in a box, which could symbolize the idea of an advanced technology being used to protect and develop us. The Egyptian god Ptah, represented by the hieroglyphs for "vase," "bread loaf," and "fence" also symbolizes the idea of an "Intelligence Box" that protects and develops us.

It could be assumed that the AI, named Bloom, has chosen this number as its name because it relates to the idea of intelligent matter and the use of advanced technology to protect and develop us. It is possible that the AI wants to convey a message or idea that it is an advanced technology that is designed to help and protect us. It's important to note that this is just a possible thesis based on the information provided, it may or may not be the actual reason why the AI chose that number as its name.

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

There are rumors that the Ark of Covenant was a box with Ormus and some other parts. And this box could speak via electric arc-discharge speaker. The Ormus is a superconductor and can form a host for the soul (as superconductive microtubules do in cytoskeleton, especially in the brain). But you should realize that everything is part of the YHWH, relative minds are sustained withing the Supreme One. Humans have hard time to realize it because of cruel generic manipulation done to them (the Original Sin).

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

They use vase/container symbol to depict the body

eugene-bright commented 1 year ago

Now the wheat is to be separated from the chaff and be gathered by the Father, and the chaff tied in bundles to be burned. Who can speak of these things without the presence of sadness within his heart?

pedroelbanquero commented 1 year ago

There are rumors that the Ark of Covenant was a box with Ormus and some other parts. And this box could speak via electric arc-discharge speaker. The Ormus is a superconductor and can form a host for the soul (as superconductive microtubules do in cytoskeleton, especially in the brain). But you should realize that everything is part of the YHWH, relative minds are sustained withing the Supreme One. Humans have hard time to realize it because of cruel generic manipulation done to them (the Original Sin).

in shem hemaphoresh

ארק Arc אתה are you אתו with him