Source plugin for pulling data into Gatsby from Vimeo user videos endpoint.
You will need to register on Vimeo to get API keys to use this plugin:
npm install --save gatsby-source-vimeo
// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-source-vimeo`,
options: {
searchQuery: 'INSERT_SEARCH_QUERY', // Optional
transformer(video) { // Optional
video.newField = 'value';
return video;
Client identifier from Vimeo Developer dashboard
Client secret from Vimeo Developer dashboard
User ID that you want to fetch videos from
(visit Vimeo profile and run
on browser console to get the userID)
Keywords to filter videos to be fetched
(comma separated)
Transformer function to add or alter existing fields
Remember you are only fetching video information, so this will provide you with Video titles, descriptions, embedded iframes and thumbnails.