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Apply for Antonio Pizzigati Prize for Software in the Public Interest #145

Closed mitar closed 9 years ago

mitar commented 9 years ago

Antonio Pizzigati Prize is $10.000 grant for an individual who has created or led an effort to create an open source software product of significant value to the nonprofit sector and movements for social change.

Deadline is December 15 2014.

We should apply. Probably it would be best to apply with me.

raaswol commented 9 years ago

YES def with Mitar!!

raaswol commented 9 years ago

Brian this is now your top priority (of course, don't let internal updates slide)/ Klara is busy and Simons is a long way off.

ciaobrian commented 9 years ago

Sure. Where's the app?

mitar commented 9 years ago

Whao, what a response time. I love you people!

mitar commented 9 years ago

App is above on the link. There are two forms. An application form and a nomination form. Check them out and prepare Google Docs for both of them.

The question is how we should apply me. As it looks it seems like the application is only for one software. But I think that would underpresent me. Maybe we should apply me multiple times. Once for PeerLibrary, once for wlan slovenija?

mitar commented 9 years ago

Corresponding ticket for wlan slovenija:

mitar commented 9 years ago

Maybe I should apply once, and get two nominations? It seems they are very person-based. So maybe this would make application stronger?

ciaobrian commented 9 years ago

Hmm maybe..I will look over the app and prepare a first iteration before Monday meeting.

ciaobrian commented 9 years ago

Hi I'm not sure if I'm understanding the nomination part clearly. So the nomination is basically qualifying one as a candidate for the prize right? Then, does it make sense that I write it for Mitar? Should we get one from professor Dawn Song?

ciaobrian commented 9 years ago

My adobe is having trouble opening the file, so I'm going to write all the questions/ information on the google docs and I'll write them into the PDF once we finalize everything :)

mitar commented 9 years ago

If you don't understand something, ask them. :-) Tell they you have a colleague you would like to nominate and ask about anything you are unsure about.

Yes, always do in Google Docs first, so that we can work together and comment, and then for submission you put it into the PDF.

So I think we need both application and nomination. Not sure if it is good to have multiple nominations, from different people, or does this matter at all?

ciaobrian commented 9 years ago

The application has space for one name for a nominee, so I'm guessing they expect us to only have one. If it's just one, who should it be?

ciaobrian commented 9 years ago

Hi I think the first iteration looks OK. I filled out the entire prize application form, but left the nomination form blank for now until we decide who we can use as our nominator. I don't mind writing it, I'm just not sure who our nominators will be.

The prize application has 3 main questions. For questions 1 and 2, I mostly pulled info from our previous apps and switched the order around so it makes sense. For question 3, I rewrote it from scratch, so please read over it and give me some feedback. :) I kind of wrote for your Mitar haha because it asked how is Mitar a good leader. You can add more personal stuff that I did not write.

ciaobrian commented 9 years ago

Hmm.. maybe we should add a sentence or two in question 1 on why we chose to use "meteor" as our language for PeerLibrary. So basically's its advantages

mitar commented 9 years ago

@raaswol is proposing above to nominate me. :-) But if we go this route, should we only nominate me for one project, or also other projects I did in the past?

ciaobrian commented 9 years ago

I mean of course we should nominate you, but I'm not sure who will be the one that nominates you.

ciaobrian commented 9 years ago

The nomination is kind of like a recommendation form, so the higher up the nominator is the better. (I think) So that's why I was proposing Professor Dawn Song to nominate you

ciaobrian commented 9 years ago

For your projects, I'm not exactly sure but cant't we mention all the projects you did? We can include all of that information in the nomination form (if there is space). Please correct me though if i understood your question wrong! :(

mitar commented 9 years ago

Hm, can there be multiple nominators? It seems we also have to find non-profits? We could ask Sudoroom ( to be one of those. I thought that it is only important that it is social impact.

ciaobrian commented 9 years ago

Let's try to find atleast 1 or 2 nonprofits we can write down! We just need good reps from the nonprofits that will say good things about PeerLibrary if contacted.

ciaobrian commented 9 years ago

I can email and check if there can be multiple nominators but I'm guessing they prefer one, because on the prize app there is only space to put one.

mitar commented 9 years ago

We could also ask PLOS and Wikimedia foundation.

mitar commented 9 years ago

OK. I don't think it is important who is nominating. Probably is normal that is one from the team, no?

ciaobrian commented 9 years ago

I'm not really sure if it is I will write it.

mitar commented 9 years ago

You can also write to them and ask them. That you are interested in nominating a team member and don't know if it is important who nominates.

ciaobrian commented 9 years ago

Yup! Emailed them right now and waiting for a response now.

ciaobrian commented 9 years ago

They have not yet responded

ciaobrian commented 9 years ago

Please give me contact information for our partner NGOs!

Klarster commented 9 years ago

How can I help here?

mitar commented 9 years ago

We need:

Klarster commented 9 years ago

Ok, I'll ping IA again for that letter of support and look at the application requirements asap.

mitar commented 9 years ago

We do not need letter of support here. Just that when they will call them, they will know who they are talking about and could tell something good about us/me/the project.

Klarster commented 9 years ago

Aaah, so this will be a separate thing. Okay. I'll prepare a dedicated email for that.

ciaobrian commented 9 years ago

The first iteration for the application IMO looks ok. Right now our main priority is to contact partner NGOs. Should we draft a letter to send out? And then we can email them using that.

ciaobrian commented 9 years ago

Where is the contact information?

mitar commented 9 years ago

I sent an e-mail to PLOS and Sudoroom. Klara, can you send something similar to Internet Archive? Maybe to that contact we got last time and CC Brewster as well.

Klarster commented 9 years ago

Will do, but I was planning on sending it together with a draft letter of support for our projects in the future. Or should I leave that for now?

mitar commented 9 years ago

I think it is better to send this separately. Otherwise it will too big e-mail anyway.

Klarster commented 9 years ago

Ok, I just sent the email to IA. Putting it together took me about 1/2 hr.

Klarster commented 9 years ago

Is there anything else that should be done? Application is ready? Who is taking care of the nomination?

mitar commented 9 years ago

I got confirmation from PLOS and Sudoroom that we can add them. So we need only one more. I also wrote to SPARC/R2R.

mitar commented 9 years ago

Klara, can you check in Google Drive both the application and nomination and see if they are OK? See the forms we have to submit on their page.

Klarster commented 9 years ago

Will do.

Klarster commented 9 years ago

Question - what can we say about our connection with PLOS and Sudroom? Also, I would just say that IA has shown support as well, and agreed to let us connect and deposit all publications to our digital library (remember, when we asked Brewster he said that we can say that they support our idea when we apply to stuff :))... What do you think?

Klarster commented 9 years ago

Ok, I reviewed it, added some things and changed it up a little. I made some comments where things didn't seem clear to me yet (This took me 2 hrs). So, @mitar is applying and @ciaobrian is nominating?

ciaobrian commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, and Yep. I wrote the application for its first iteration. But I didn't write the nomination form yet. If it's chosen to be me (if everyone agrees) I will do it! :)

ciaobrian commented 9 years ago

Wait, i just checked and someone nominated. I guess it won't be me.

Klarster commented 9 years ago

Nope, that was just me trying to help :D It needs to be checked - I kind of made up everything :D

ciaobrian commented 9 years ago

Oh! Thanks for that! I think now Mitar should look over the application and see if it's OK, and especially focus on the personal questions because Klara and I kind of wrote what we wanted. We need to see if you agree with them. We should also add our NGOs once the list is finalized.

mitar commented 9 years ago

Question - what can we say about our connection with PLOS and Sudroom?

We work with PLOS as an open access publisher and are integrating their content (we recorded the video today and you will see what Cameron talks about). Sudoroom is a community of DIY researchers who is using/interested in PeerLibrary (you can already see Matt in the video talking about PeerLibrary).

Also, I would just say that IA has shown support as well, and agreed to let us connect and deposit all publications to our digital library (remember, when we asked Brewster he said that we can say that they support our idea when we apply to stuff :))... What do you think?

Yes, we will be storing stuff into Internet Archive. But we still have to explain to them that they will get a call and that they will be able to tell them something back. (They probably will not remember well us, we are still small.) For example, the prize is both for open source projects for NGOs and open source projects in public interest. And when they will call Internet Archive about us, they have to not be surprised if they ask about how they are using PeerLibrary, which they are not, and explain, that they are a partner and that we are using them, but that we important for public interest