pekrau / BeerClub

A web application to keep track of the beer accounts for registered members.
3 stars 2 forks source link


A web application to keep track of the beer accounts for registered members.


The contribution model is to fork the main repository and submit pull requests.

To test changes, please deploy the website locally.

Local Deployment

It's recommended to use conda to keep the installation environment clean.

First, create a new environment and install the dependencies:

conda create --name BeerClub --yes python=3.6.8
conda activate BeerClub
pip install -r requirements.txt

Next, make a new settings.json file based on the template:

cd beerclub
cp template_settings.json settings.json

The BeerClub site uses CouchDB to store data. You can install this locally if you want, or use Docker:

docker run -p 5984:5984 -d couchdb

Once the docker image is running, go to and add a user with a password. Then create a new database. The template_settings.json file contains the following defaults (obviously for local testing only!):

"DATABASE_NAME": "beerclub",
"DATABASE_PASSWORD": "beerclub",

The BeerClub site needs to have it's directory added to the PYTHONPATH to work, so from the repository root directory run the following:


Finally, run the tornado web server:


The BeerClub website should now be running at http://localhost:8888/