peninsulajs /

The Website
MIT License
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The Website

So you'd like to contribute to the PeninsulaJS site! Thanks for even thinking to :) To work on the site locally, you'll need to do the following:

  1. Install node, if you don't already have it.
  2. Install npm, if you don't already have it and it wasn't included with your copy of node.
  3. Git clone this repository.
  4. Run npm install from within the root of the project.
  5. npm run dev will start up the build process as well as start a local server on http://localhost:3000.
  6. We use PostCSS to process our styles, so make changes to the CSS files in the src/ directory instead of media/.
  7. The site presently does not have a CI process, so commit changed files from both src/ and media/.