peniwize / GatHost

Game authentication terminal (GSA GAT) protocol host application, written in C++ on Qt 5.x.
GNU General Public License v3.0
0 stars 0 forks source link

Start of document.

Project maintainer (and original author): Matt Ervin ( Formatting: 120 columns, 4 spaces per tab, spaces only (no tab characters)


This project is currently only being built on Linux with QtCreator (qmake).

Include guards in header files

Include guards have the following structure: INCLUDED Note that there are two (2) '' characters surrounding the '' field and that all characters of the include guard are capitalized. The GUID component of the include guard can be generated on Linux/posix systems with the following command: $ uuidgen | sed -r 's/-//g' | awk '{printf toupper($1);}'

Coding convention

The Qt Coding Style/Convention is followed by this project: Possibly the most important aspect of the coding style is that ALL SOURCE FILES USE SPACES! Never tabs. Source files are all too frequently munged by various editors when tabs are used. ALWAYS USE 4 SPACES PER TAB!

While this project endevaors to follow the Qt Coding Convention, there are some deviations. The most notable deviation from the documented convention may be the use of curly braces. Due to unfortunate past experiences with inadvertant source file munging and typos, it has been decided that CURLY BRACES ARE ALWAYS USED in all contexts and CURLY BRACES ARE ALWAYS ON THEIR OWN LINE except for signle line statements. Examples: if (condition) statement; // NON-COMPLIANT! Confusion may ensue when statement is relocated. if (condition) { statement; } // COMPLIANT. if (condition) // NON-COMPLIANT! Confusion may ensue when statement [alignment] is relocated. statement; if (condition) // COMPLIANT. { statement; } if (condition1 // NON-COMPLIANT! Confusion may ensue since may '{' be difficult to see or missed. ... op conditionN) { statement1; ... statementN; } I have no strong/passionate opinion about coding style/conventions and do not mandate that the above conventions be followed in all contexts and under all conditions. They're just general guidelines that have proven to be valuable through trial an error. Do what makes the most sense to you, but please be courteous to all project contributors by endeavoring to follow the style/conventions of this project, and whatever deviations you encounter in the code, to remain consistent. Please don't be a cowboy coder.

End of document.