pensoffsky / projectX

OData Testing Tool
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Screencast tutorials


Find the latest stable version of the 'electron' ZIP file in release section.


Clone the git repository.

Install NPM, afterwards you can install GRUNT and Bower by following command

npm install -g bower grunt-cli

Install the project dependencies.

npm install
bower install
grunt copyresources

Host the application locally.


Update version number of projectX

Change version number in package.json file and use following grunt task to update version information in index*.html files.

grunt htmlbuild

Build on your own

Build an executable app

Builds an application which is based on Electron shell for Mac OS X and Windows platform.

grunt build

Build BSP-application

Following command builds an BSP compatible application, ready for uploading into SAP Gateway. The task runs endless in your Terminal and provides the ZIP file (, which can be uploaded with report /UI5/UI5_REPOSITORY_LOAD_HTTP.

grunt buildGw

You can end the task by pressing CTRL + C.