A preprocessor for arrow notation based on the arrowp preprocessor developed by Ross Paterson ross@soi.city.ac.uk.
Notable features include support for GHC Haskell syntax and a quasiquoter that can be used instead of the preprocessor.
Note that recent versions of GHC support this notation directly, and give better error messages to boot. But the translation produced by GHC is in some cases not as good as it could be.
The parser cannot handle banana brackets for control operators in arrow notation (the proc keyword in the original paper), due to a limitation in haskell-src-exts. In order to use banana brackets, the recommendation is to fall back to the GHC Arrows parser.
Support for GHC Haskell notation inside arrow blocks is not complete, e.g. multi-way-if and lambda case are unlikely to work as expected. If you run into one of these, please open an issue or vote for an existing one, as I plan to extend the support on demand.
quasi quoteraddA :: Arrow a => a b Int -> a b Int -> a b Int
addA f g = [proc| x -> do
y <- f -< x
z <- g -< x
returnA -< y + z |]
{-# OPTIONS -F -pgmF arrowp-ext #-}
arrowp-qq extends the original arrowp in three dimensions:
based parser with one based on haskell-src-exts
, which handles most of GHC 8.0.2 Haskell syntax.proc inputs -> do
results <- processor -< inputs
if outputResultsArg
then outputSink -< results
else returnA -< ()
returnA -< results
The standard arrowp (and GHC) desugaring for this code is:
= ((processor >>> arr (\ results -> (results, results))) >>>
(\ results -> if outputResultsArg then Left results else Right ())
>>> (outputSink ||| returnA))
>>> arr (\ (_, results) -> results)))
This requires an ArrowChoice
, but there is a more efficient desugaring which
performs the choice at compile time and thus an Arrow
((processor >>> arr (\ results -> (results, results))) >>>
(if outputResultsArg then outputSink else arr (\ results -> ()))
>>> arr (\ (_, results) -> results)))
The GHC desugarer does not do a very good job of minimizing the number of
calls inserted. In certain Arrow
instances, this can have a material effect
on performance. Example:
trivial = proc inputs -> do
chunked <- chunk -< inputs
results <- process -< chunked
returnA -< results
This code ought to desugar to a chain of arrows, and indeed, both arrowp and arrowp-qq desugar this to:
trivial = chunk >>> process
However GHC will produce (approximately) the following code:
arr(\inputs -> (inputs,inputs)) >>> first chunk >>> first process >>> arr fst