pepper-seattle / catclicker_deluxe

Just a cat clicker looking for some code love #hacktoberfest
3 stars 9 forks source link
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Hacktoberfest 2019

What is Hacktoberfest?

Hacktoberfest is a celebration of open source software and collaboration between devs.

Cat Clicker Deluxe

Welcome to Cat Clicker Deluxe! Here you will find a multitude of cats and facts about cats to while away the hours you should probably be working. Simply click a cat to see where it's at!

This is the second year for Cat Clicker Deluxe and Hacktoberfest, so don't hesitate to suggest new ideas, game modes, cat types, etc. To get going check out our Issues tab for some inspiration and then venture into the fur filled landscape to craft an inspired PRrrrrrr.

Cat Clicker Deluxe

How to Get Started

  1. Clone this repository by git clone
  2. npm ci to install all required dependencies
  3. npm start to run locally at http://localhost:5000

How to Play

  1. Click on that cat.
  2. Marvel in the number of times you've clicked on that cat.
  3. Rinse, repeat.
  4. Click on the counter to start it all over again.

Rules for Contributing

  1. Keep it clean (no nsfw, killer cat clowns from outer space, etc.).
  2. No harmful code.
  3. No advertising/pimping yo' sh*t (cat clicker doesn't need sponsorship at this time).
  4. Once you've completed your work, add yourself as a contributor to the list below.
