peremato / Geom4hep

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Trying manual splitting #2

Open Moelf opened 1 year ago

Moelf commented 1 year ago

this at least put us back where we are on master.... so people can try different ideas

to run:

julia --project=.
julia> using Revise, Geom4hep
julia> include("./examples/XRay.jl")
julia> mainbench()
Moelf commented 1 year ago

why is bad case so bad, 10x allocation

edit: the commit below fixed it, but why

Moelf commented 1 year ago
julia> mainbench()
  0.018861 seconds (110.53 k allocations: 2.997 MiB)
  2.460947 seconds (29.97 M allocations: 762.280 MiB, 2.49% gc time)
(-830.1:16.76969696969697:830.1, -661.1:13.355555555555556:661.1, [0.0 0.0 … 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.39888076782051646 … 0.39888076782051646 0.0; … ; 0.0 0.39888076782051646 … 0.39888076782051646 0.0; 0.0 0.0 … 0.0 0.0])