peremato / Geom4hep

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An exercise for evaluation of the Julia language for a Geometry modeling package used in HEP (VecGeom). The current functionality:

Running the unit tests

A number of unit tests is provided under /test for each of the geometrical shapes. To run all of them do:

julia --project=. test/runtests.jl 



To run the predefined set of benchmarks for shapes do:

julia --project=. examples/Benchmarks.jl 

Note that the times are the total time for all points being consirered. Divide by the number of points to obtain the execution time per function invocation.

Draw a Detector

The example DrawDetector.jl constructs detector model and draws a 3D image of it. In oder to keep the graphics window alive to be able to interact with it you need to run the example with the julia option -i (interactive).

julia --project=. -i  examples/DrawDetector.jl 

Produce a X-Ray image of a detector

The example XRay.jl generates X-Ray images starting from a detector model (e.g. world). It defines a function that generates the data using the density of the traversed material from a detector model. You need to run the example with the julia option -i (interactive).

julia --project=. -i  examples/XRay.jl