peremato / Geom4hep

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Improvement in bounding box intersection gives 15% improvement in run time + minor bug fix #5

Closed ndinsmore closed 1 year ago

ndinsmore commented 1 year ago

First, the bug fix is to make unitize return a vector with a magnitude of 1.

I thought this would just be a micro-optimization but it ends up being fairly significant.

There are two caveats to this improvement:

  1. As you will see in the code both the affected methods calculated a term distsurf, which I could not really figure out what it consistently calculated so I was unable to implement it. I don't think that should change the results much.
  2. I do get some minor differences in the heatmap from the x-ray, when I take a difference between the two methods. I honestly don't know what is right.

Running the benchmark:

using Revise, Geom4hep
using BenchmarkTools
const full2 = processGDML("examples/cms2018.gdml", Float64)
const volume2 = full2[1,7,1]
const world2 = getWorld(volume2)
const nav2 = BVHNavigator(world2)
@time img= generateXRay(nav2, world2, 1e4, 1)
@time img= generateXRay(nav2, world2, 1e4, 1)


julia> @time img= generateXRay(nav2, world2, 1e4, 1);
 2.374147 seconds (10 allocations: 80.766 KiB)

This PR:

julia> @time img= generateXRay(nav2, world2, 1e4, 1);
  0.773122 seconds (10 allocations: 80.766 KiB)
peremato commented 1 year ago

Thank-you very much. It looks really interesting.

ndinsmore commented 1 year ago

I fixed the issue wit the test. There are two left failing because the distout is 2.09e-9 and the failure criteria is < 1e-9/2

That said a large part of the improvement has disappeared. This is still some but it is only like 15%-20% now

peremato commented 1 year ago

The following implementation of distanceToIn(box::Box{T}...) fixes all the tests. I have not observed a nan.

function distanceToIn(box::Box{T}, point::Point3{T}, direction::Vector3{T},rcp_direction::Vector3{T}=inv.(direction))::T where T<:AbstractFloat
    max = Point3{T}(box.fDimensions)
    (distin, distout) = intersectAABoxRay(-max, max, point, direction, rcp_direction)
    (distin >= distout || distin <= -kTolerance(T)) ? Inf : distin

However I still have problem generating the X-ray in the z direction.

ndinsmore commented 1 year ago

What was the edge case that the surface checks were trying to fix? I noticed that there was not something similar VecGeom. I believe that the new method is effectively doing what the previous methods were, this is just a streamlined slabs, so i don't know how that could effect the z direction.

Also do you have any opinion on the naming of intersectAABoxRay it was originally intersectAABBRay but I thought that was to close the AABB type.

ndinsmore commented 1 year ago

The isnan is important because it will happen for 0*Inf then when you do a comparison to the nan it returns false. The fixed version I posted that has isnan was important for that reason.

peremato commented 1 year ago

Yes, you are right the handling of NaN is very important. But this way produces the wrong result. See for example a unit Box and a Point in one of the vertices.

Geom4hep.distanceToIn(Box{T}(1,1,1), Point3{T}(-1,-1,-1),Vector3{T}(0,1,0))

The result should be 0 since you are already in the surface of the Box while it returns Inf. The problem is that the functions min() and max() do not handle correctly the NaN case.

ndinsmore commented 1 year ago

Should work now. There is an interesting post about all the floating point logic at:

peremato commented 1 year ago

Yes, it does work now. Thanks for the pointer to the post. I can obtain the same X-ray images. However the speedup has vanished or almost vanished. Did you measure it again with this latest version?

ndinsmore commented 1 year ago

Yeah I was still getting about 10% 2.2s -> 2s

ndinsmore commented 1 year ago

I would not merge this anymore just merge #6 instead of this it includes it and actually results in a performance benefit

peremato commented 1 year ago

Supplemented by #6