perfsonar / esmond

A measurement archive for collecting time series metrics from networks.
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Reject archives with null source/destination #95

Open candlerb opened 5 years ago

candlerb commented 5 years ago

Relates to

In unusual circumstances where pscheduler submits metadata with "source": null and "measurement-agent": null, an invalid archive is created with "event-types": [], but esmond still returns a 201 response as if everything was OK. Also, subsequent data posts to this archive return 201 responses, but don't store any data. This means that user-visible pscheduler logs say that everything is working fine.

I think both cases should give 4xx responses. To reproduce:

$ cat test.json
  "time-duration": 29.0,
  "pscheduler-reference-psconfig-created-by-user-agent": "psconfig-pscheduler-agent",
  "pscheduler-test-type": "throughput",
  "source": null,
  "measurement-agent": null,
  "input-destination": "2001:db8:123:456::45",
  "destination": "2001:db8:123:456::45",
  "event-types": [
      "event-type": "failures"
      "summaries": [
          "summary-type": "average",
          "summary-window": 86400,
          "event-type": "throughput"
      "event-type": "throughput"
      "event-type": "throughput-subintervals"
      "event-type": "packet-retransmits"
      "event-type": "packet-retransmits-subintervals"
      "event-type": "pscheduler-run-href"
  "subject-type": "point-to-point",
  "ip-transport-protocol": "tcp",
  "input-source": "",
  "pscheduler-reference-psconfig-created-by-uuid": "b042dea5-40fd-4c63-9b0b-1e0f63bf59a6",
  "tool-name": "pscheduler/iperf3"

$ curl -sk -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token xxxx" \
    -X POST -d @test.json https://localhost/esmond/perfsonar/archive/

Notice the empty event-types member.

laeti-tia commented 4 years ago

I've experienced this behaviour too when looking at which has measurement-agent: None being sent to Esmond.