perfsonar / esmond

A measurement archive for collecting time series metrics from networks.
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esmond: ESnet Monitoring Daemon

At this time esmond is only supported as part of the perfSONAR toolkit.

esmond is a system for collecting, storing, visualizing and analyzing large sets of timeseries data. It was driven by the needs of the ESnet engineering team but is likely useful to a much wider audience. esmond has a RESTful API which allows easy access to the data which is collected. The original focus was on collecting SNMP timeseries data which is still the system's forte, but there is support for generalized timeseries data. The perfSONAR_ project has begun using esmond to store timeseries of network measurements.

esmond uses a hybrid model for storing data. Timeseries data such as interface counters is stored using Cassandra. esmond will save the raw data, and create summarizations similar to RRD. However, the system never discards data through summarization, which distinguishes it from RRD (and whisper/ceres). Metadata (such as interface description and interface types from SNMP) are stored in an SQL database. Storing this data in an SQL database allows us to use the full expressiveness of SQL to query this data. Since this data changes relatively infrequently the demands placed on the SQL server are fairly modest. Our production server uses PostgreSQL, but it's likely that SQLite would work just fine. Data can be visualized using Graphite or through custom visualizations which can query the RESTful API.

The documentation_ has a lot more details.

Development Environment

This repository allows you to use Vagrant to create a VM on VirtualBox with the necessary components installed. The default VM is based on CentOS 7 and creates a shared folder in the VM that points at the top-level of your checked-out copy. This allows you to edit files on your base system and have the changes automatically appear in the VM.


. Install VirtualBox_ according to the instructions on their site for your system.

. Install Vagrant_ according to the instructions on their site for your system.

. Install the vagrant-vbguest and vagrant-reload plugins with the following commands::

vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
vagrant plugin install vagrant-reload

Starting the VM

. Clone the esmond github repo::

git clone

. Start the VM with vagrant up. The first time you do this it will take awhile to create the initial VM.

Using the VM

.. _Cassandra: .. _PostgreSQL: .. _RRD: .. _Graphite: .. _whisper: .. _ceres: .. _SQLite: .. _perfSONAR: .. _SNMP: .. _Vagrant: .. _VirtualBox: .. _documentation: