perfsonar / toolkit

perfSONAR Toolkit distribution environment scripts and GUI
Apache License 2.0
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perfSONAR Toolkit

This repository contains scripts and GUIs included with the Toolkit distribution of perfSONAR. A Toolkit includes a full operating system with a consistent environment in terms of default system tunings, firewalls, and software configurations. It also includes GUIs used to manage the Toolkit system and display measurement results.

Getting the Code

You may checkout the code with the following command:

git clone --recursive

Note the use of the --recursive option to ensure any submodule trees are included in the clone.

Building and Installing

It is recommended you use the provided Vagrant VM to run the software. The Vagrant VM builds an environment with the needed dependencies to build, run and test the software. Changes you make in the directory on the host system will be reflected in the /vagrant directory of the VM. You can start the VM as follows:

vagrant up

You can then login with:

vagrant ssh

As you make changes, you can deploy them as follows:

cd /vagrant
sudo make install

Packaging the Source

You may create a source tarball of this code with the following:

make dist

Building RPMs

You can build the RPMs with the following commands:

cd rpms
vagrant up
vagrant ssh

For more information on building and testing RPMs see shared/rpms/

Using the shared Submodule

This repository contains a git submodule to the perfSONAR shared repository. This submodule is used to access common perfSONAR libraries. You will find a number of symbolic links to these modules under lib. The use of a submodule has a few implications when working with the code in this repository: