perl6 / Pugs.hs

(ARCHIVE) Raku User's Golfing System in Haskell
84 stars 17 forks source link

This repository has moved.

This repository has moved to, where it's continuing development. Please check there for the latest developments.

Here's the original

This repository hosts a Haskell-based implementation of Perl 6.

Currently, the Pugs.hs project exists mainly for historical/archival purposes, not for active development. (Forks are, of course, very much welcome.)

For a host of active implementations of the Perl 6 Language, please refer to this website:

Pugs.hs is known to build with GHC 7.10.2, preferably with the Haskell Stack:

  1. Install
  2. stack build --install-ghc
  3. stack exec -- pugs

One can also directly install it with the standard Cabal/Hackage system:

cabal install Pugs

Please refer to the INSTALL file for further details.

The goal during this hiatus is to continue maintaining Pugs.hs, so it remains installable with current and future editions of the Haskell Language, and interoperable with current and future releases of the Perl 5 Language. :-)

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