- make a new function to advance the model step-by-step
- modify "initialize" & "update" to ensure passing changes in climatic forcing, soil parameters from BMI to the mode.
- add a new interface on the original model, in order to make as few as changes
- make the BMIs
- make tests and examples
- make cmake files
- modify "filexist". Removing "stop" in order to get a correct running status
- add an option to set write out to file or not, default is not.
mkdir _build && cd _build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=[install_path]
make install
Standard Name | Description | Unit | Type |
snowpack__depth | SNOW DEPTH | m | Real |
snow__thermal_conductivity | SNOW THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY | W m-1 K-1 | Real |
soil_water__volume_fraction | Volumetric Water Content | m3 m-3 | Real |
soil_unfrozen_water__a | Soil Unfrozen Water Parameter 'a' | - | Real |
soil_unfrozen_water__b | Soil Unfrozen Water Parameter 'b' | - | Real |
Standard Name | Description | Unit | Type |
soil__temperature | SOIL TEMPERATURE at all Nodes (including snow layers when there are snow covered) | deg.C | Real |
model_soil_layer__count | number of all nodes (including snow layers when there are snow covered) | - | integer |
Known issues are related to grid type, grid_id, gridsize, etc. The follow parameters could be set by using "set_value_at_indices". Because these variables are defined at few layers rather than each soil node. For example, in the example case, "soil__temperature" has 176 nodes while "soil_water\_volume_fraction" is set at 6 layers. It's possible to define a new grid_id, grid_type, etc for this kind of variables.
Please see also the souce code file "GIPL/bmi_main.f90"
Here we tested
if (i .eq. 95) then ! change air temperature at the 5th time step.
s = model%set_value('land_surface_air__temperature', [-10.0])
end if
if (i .eq. 100) then ! change snow depth at the 100th time step.
s = model%set_value('snowpack__depth', [0.1])
end if
if (i .eq. 110) then ! change snow thermal conductivity at the 110th time step.
s = model%set_value('snow__thermal_conductivity', [0.01])
end if
if (i .eq. 85) then ! change VWC in first soil layer in 'geo.txt' file.
s = model%set_value_at_indices('soil_water__volume_fraction', [1], [0.1])
end if
if (i .eq. 92) then ! change UWC_a in first soil layer in 'geo.txt' file.
s = model%set_value_at_indices('soil_unfrozen_water__a', [1], [0.1])
end if
if (i .eq. 92) then ! change UWC_b in first soil layer in 'geo.txt' file.
s = model%set_value_at_indices(var_name6, [1], [-0.5])
end if