perry-birch / leptos-cloudflare

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Example of Leptos Deployed to Cloudflare Workers


You will need to have wrangler installed to run this example.

Wrangler is a cli tool for interacting with Cloudflare services:

Install/Update Wrangler


Build the client wasm and js bindings with wasm-pack to produce the 'pkg' directory containing the necessary js and wasm files for running the app.

cd client
wasm-pack build --target=web


The 'wrangler dev' command runs setup script from wrangler.toml and then launches a dev env.

Workers-rs Issue 282

command = "cargo install -q worker-build --version 0.0.7 && worker-build --release"
command = "cargo install --git worker-build && worker-build --release"

Move into the cloudflare directory and run 'wrangler dev' to launch the worker locally:

cd cloudflare
wrangler dev

If this fails with [mf:err] Unhandled Promise Rejection: Error: To use the new ReadableStream() constructor, enable the streams_enable_constructors feature flag. then run this instead:

cd cloudflare
wrangler dev --compatibility-flag streams_enable_constructors