A Magento 2 profiler based on AOE_Profiler for Magento 1
git clone -b master git@github.com:perryholden/Holdenovi_Profiler.git app/code/Holdenovi/Profiler
bin/magento module:enable Holdenovi_Profiler
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento cache:flush
composer config repositories.holdenovi_profiler vcs https://github.com/perryholden/Holdenovi_Profiler.git
composer require holdenovi/module-profiler
bin/magento module:enable Holdenovi_Profiler
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento cache:flush
To enable the profiler:
file to var/holdenovi_profiler.xml
and configure based on XML file comments.bin/magento cache:disable full_page block_html
bin/magento dev:profiler:enable '{"drivers":[{"type":"Holdenovi\\Profiler\\Driver\\Hierarchy"}]}'
Type {"drivers":[{"type":"Holdenovi\Profiler\Driver\Hierarchy"}]} is not one of the built-in output types (html, csvfile).
. This is just a warning message, and it does not prevent the profiler from being enabled.To view the profile results grid, navigate in admin to SYSTEM
→ Tools
→ Holdenovi Profiler
Add this to your env.php
under db
→ connection
→ default
'profiler' => [
'class' => '\\Magento\\Framework\\DB\\Profiler',
'enabled' => true
Depending on the complexity of your site a lot of data ends up being collected during a profile run. The first problem with this is that the database table holding this information might be growing. Please double check the cron settings of the cleanup task.
By default MySQL comes with max_allowed_packet set to 1 MB. One profile run could exceed 1 MB. Please check var/log/system.log
for error messages and increase this setting in your MySQL server configuration. (Also see: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/packet-too-large.html)
and captureBacktraces