This repo should contain all the required information to set up a concourse pipeline that uses YBD to build Baserock systems.
Clone the concourse-scripts repo
(OPTIONAL) Build your own Docker image
Install vagrant on your system, or ensure it is up-to-date
Clone Baserock definitions or, if you have cloned definitions already, ensure it is up-to-date.
Originally, we had a pipeline that would clone YBD, definitions and concourse-scripts, then run a shell script containing instructions to run YBD over the build-essential stratum and base-system-x86_64-generic system.
However, this didn't give us a good output of what was happening at each stage. If base-system was built inside a single job and failed for some reason, we wouldn't be able to tell where or why the failure occurred. Instead, what we needed was a way to visualise the whole system build. In essence, we wanted the following:
input baserock system -> run script/parser -> generate pipeline per stratum -> set up all stratum pipelines on concourse -> set resources for each strata job as chunks -> build strata via concourse -> build system via concourse ( -> run reproducibility tests on system)
Although we do not yet have testing functionality, the full pipeline for a system can now be shown using the following commands (assuming the instructions from 'Setup' in this document have been followed):
Run the following from the concourse-scripts repo directory:
vagrant init concourse/lite
vagrant up
./ <path/to/definitions/systems/your-system.morph>
(OPTIONAL) If you just want to view the system YAML file without setting up the pipeline on concourse, run the following command:
./ --system=<path/to/definitions/systems/your-system.morph>
Congratulations! Your pipeline should now be visible here
The construct-pipelines script is set up to create a pipeline using the default YBD cache server,
If you have set up your own custom cache server via YBD, you can use it by running the following:
./ --system=<path/to/definitions/systems/your-system.morph>
fly set-pipeline -p <your-system.yml> -c <your-system> -l credentials.yml
Where credentials.yml contains the following information:
ybd-cache-server: 'http://your-cache-server:8000/'
ybd-cache-password: your-password
This pipeline currently only has the ability to create a single pipeline from a
system passed to the parser by the user. It cannot create single stratum or
clusters-of-systems pipelines right now, nor do we have the ability to
automatically add testing scripts once the system build has finished. For
multiple systems, the user will have to run ./
for each
system in question.
The eventual aim of this is to be able to build all systems in Baserock definitions with ease and once completed, run tests on the resulting artifacts. I will be looking at artifact reproducibility in particular; output successful system build artifacts, obtain the shasum of each, and store somewhere. Then, once the system is triggered to build again, perform the same test, compare against previous shasums (should they exist), then output that information to the user.
The outputted data should be easily readable by anyone wishing to view the
results, rather than listing every unreproducible artifact and giving the
viewer data overload in the form of a series of long text files. If we can get
an output that says System X: Y% reproducible
, with an option to detail
unreproducible components separately should the viewer so desire, this would
be a success.