personoids / personoids-lite

"The Power of Autonomy in Every Chat." - Transform ChatGPT into a powerful autonomous agent that can independently accomplish complex tasks.
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Chroma installation problems diffuse to personids-lite dev version #7

Open ido777 opened 1 year ago

ido777 commented 1 year ago

Docker-chroma is being built for However, at this moment, the chroma release is broken - see This causes personids-lite not to function since when chroma does not work the plugin has an exception and the product is not working.

Moreover, the Dockerfile-chroma uses

RUN git clone so it takes the version that exists at the time of building, even if it is not the official version, simply the latest.

The production version takes it's image from personoids/chroma which is more stable, maybe the dev version should do the same since the dev version is probably for the personids-lite development and not for the chroma version. So taking it from the fixed version seems to avoid transient issues in the chroma development.

ido777 commented 1 year ago

AFAIU the problem was diffused to personoids/chroma image as well... Screenshot 2023-07-18 012904 Screenshot 2023-07-18 012939