personoids / personoids-lite

"The Power of Autonomy in Every Chat." - Transform ChatGPT into a powerful autonomous agent that can independently accomplish complex tasks.
MIT License
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Discord License: MIT MadeWithPersonoids

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Personoids Lite for AI Chat

"The Power of Autonomy in Every Chat."

What does it do?


Personoids Lite is a transformative tool that enhances ChatGPT and other LLMs-based chats, turning them into Autonomous Agents, or Personoids. These Personoids are not just chatbots; they are intelligent agents equipped with advanced capabilities such as planning, learning, and execution. They can access the web, search for information, and even remember past interactions. With Personoids Lite, your ChatGPT becomes a powerful assistant that can independently accomplish complex tasks. Simply ask for ANY skill or feature, and Personoids Lite will strive to integrate it immediately.

Promptware: The Future of Software

Welcome to the era of Promptware, a revolutionary software paradigm brought to life by Personoids. Unlike traditional software that relies on rigid programming language instructions, Promptware is built on the flexibility of natural language instructions, or prompts. This shift in approach allows for more intuitive and dynamic interactions between users and software. With Personoids, you're not just coding; you're having a conversation with your software, guiding it through tasks with the ease of natural language. This is the future of software development, and it starts with Personoids Lite.





git clone
cd chat-ai-plugin

Running Personoids

Locally (recommended)

Windows (cmd)

set OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-your-openai-api-key
set SERPAPI_API_KEY=your-serp-api-key

call start.bat

Mac / Linux

export OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-your-openai-api-key
export SERPAPI_API_KEY=your-serp-api-key # optional

using GitPod (work in progress)

Setup an env

Installation in ChatGPT

Personoids Lite ready and waiting on http://localhost:5004

Getting Started

Start a new session in ChatGPT with plugins and type:


and follow the instructions.

Use Case Examples

Try the following prompts: Explore the capabilities of the Personoids Plugin with these sample prompts:

These are just examples. Feel free to craft your own prompts based on your needs.


Maximize the potential of the Personoids Lite Plugin with these tips:

Pre-defined Features List

Our Personoids Plugin comes preloaded with a wide array of features and skills, including but not limited to:

✅ Memory: Retains information from past interactions to provide context-aware responses.

✅ Web Access: Connects to the internet to fetch, analyze, and utilize online resources.

✅ Search: Efficiently searches for information across the web and internal databases.

✅ Learning: Adapts and improves over time through machine learning algorithms.

✅ Execution: Carries out tasks and operations based on user prompts.

✅ Building and Serving UI: Creates and manages user interfaces for various applications.

✅ Coding and Engineering: Writes and optimizes code in various programming languages.

✅ Research and Analysis: Conducts in-depth research and provides insightful analysis.

✅ Debugging: Identifies and fixes bugs in code.

✅ Testing: Implements testing protocols to ensure code functionality.

✅ Troubleshooting: Solves problems and resolves issues within the system.

✅ Automatic Seamless Integration: Integrates smoothly with web-based resources.

✅ Fact Checking and Verification: Verifies the accuracy of information.

✅ Creative Writing: Generates creative text, such as stories or poems.

✅ Image Generation: Creates visual content based on user prompts.

✅ Code Generation: Generates code in any language, stack, and framework, including proprietary ones.

✅ Familiarity with Your Codebase: Understands your projects, enabling bug fixes and feature additions.

✅ Shared Local Workspace: Collaborates with you in a shared workspace for project development.

✅ Progress Tracking and Reporting: Keeps track of tasks and provides progress reports.

✅ Task Breakdown and Planning: Breaks down complex tasks into manageable subtasks.

✅ Self-Improvement: Can fix, modify and improve itself

✅✅✅ Custom Skill Integration: Integrates ANY skill or feature you request.

Contact Us

Tal Muskal Twitter - GitHub

Beni Hakak - Twitter

or in Discord



Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
