peschmae / glab-component-generator

Golang tool CLI tool to generate from Gitlab Components
MIT License
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Small Golang CLI to generate README for Gitlab CI components

Very small CLI based on spf13/cobra to generate from existing GitLab components.

The genreated can be expanded using a header and footer file. By default those are and in the project directory.

The same goes for each component, if the component is in it's own directory within templates/. For components that only consist of a file (eg. templates/component-name.yaml), no header or footer files will be used.

Supported inputs

The following fields on each input are supported


The following spec in a component

    job-prefix:     # Mandatory string input
      description: |
        Define a prefix for the job name.
        Now with line break support
    job-stage:      # Optional string input with a default value when not provided
      default: test
    environment:    # Mandatory input that must match one of the options
      options: ['test', 'staging', 'production']
      type: number  # Optional numeric input with a default value when not provided
      default: 1
    version:        # Mandatory string input that must match the regular expression
      type: string
      regex: /^v\d\.\d+(\.\d+)$/
    export_results: # Optional boolean input with a default value when not provided
      type: boolean
      default: true

Will result in the following markdown

| Input / Variable | Description | Default value | Type    | Options | Regex |
| ---------------- | ----------- | ------------- | ------- | ------- | ----- |
| `concurrency`    |             | _1_           | number  | __ | `` |
| `environment`    |             | __            |         | _test, staging, production_ | `` |
| `export_results` |             | _true_        | boolean | __ | `` |
| `job-prefix`     | Define a prefix for the job name.<br>Now with line break support | __            |         | __ | `` |
| `job-stage`      |             | _test_        |         | __ | `` |
| `version`        |             | __            | string  | __ | `/^v\d\.\d+(\.\d+)$/` |

Generated table

Input / Variable Description Default value Type Options Regex
concurrency 1 number __ ``
environment __ test, staging, production ``
export_results true boolean __ ``
job-prefix Define a prefix for the job name
Now with line break support
__ __ ``
job-stage test __ ``
version __ string __ /^v\d\.\d+(\.\d+)$/

.pre-commit hook

The generator can also be used as a .pre-commit-hook to verify that the was updated on each commit.

  - repo:
    rev: 0.7.0
      - id: glab-component-readme
          - --header=docs/
          - --footer=docs/