Open 9000h opened 6 years ago
I checked with perf and saw the following:
17.25% 0.05% vdr [kernel.vmlinux] [k] entry_SYSCALL_64
| |
| |--11.94%--do_vfs_ioctl
| | |
| | --11.53%--drm_ioctl
| | |
| | --10.66%--drm_ioctl_kernel
| | |
| | |--7.66%--i915_gem_execbuffer2
| | | |
| | | --7.46%--i915_gem_do_execbuffer
Seems like it accesses the intel card via vfs --> therfore it's listed as I/O.
Can you do the same check with both vaapidevice and xineliboutput? I did the following to get the above graph:
# perf record -g -a sleep 10
[ perf record: Woken up 18 times to write data ]
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 4.592 MB (34714 samples) ]
# perf report
I am not sure if this is really an issue or if it is just shows that vaapidevice accesses the gfx card via vfs call.
If you're comparing vaapidevice to another implementation like xineliboutput, please, make sure that both of them have enabled exactly the same VA-API filters. Otherwise, you'll end up comparing apples to oranges.
sure on vaapidevice the filters are off also mpv did not show high cpu io wait with hwdec=vaapi vo=vaapi and playing back HD/UHD recordings
Hi, I've also been observing this weirdness for some time now. Defintily the kernel is involved is this. With softhddevice vaapi with the last lts kernel 4.9 I always had a very low load of 0.4 or so. Only using a newer kernel from 4.10 or 4.11 on shifts the load to where it is now (2.x ...)
I can also confirm on older kernels 4.8 and also older ffmpeg,libav etc... the iowait is normal, but why is mpv and xineliboutput not also affected?
Kernel 4.14.11 and newer may have Spectre / Meltdown Fixes enabled - maybe this is the game changer?
I don't think so as mpv and xinelibout do not show a similar behavior
all the thread locking around the ffmpeg api calls are probably not needed anymore as the newer libs have now his own mechanism for locking
as I cannot reopen the closed one I did create a new issue there is no disk io btw. the vaapidevice did create high CPU io wait (the old softhddevice did the same)
when I use xinelibout the CPU io wait is very low as expected vdr -P"xineliboutput --local=sxfe --video=vaapi --audio=alsa --remote=none" -Psatip