petarov / apns-push-cmd

Send APNs push notifications from your command line
MIT License
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apns apns-http2 apns2 apple apple-push-notifications mdm push-notifications

APNs Command Line Push

build goreport

Send your push notifications to Apple Push Notification service from the command line using HTTP/2.

Authentication Mechanism Supported
Provider Authentication Tokens yes :white_check_mark:
APNs provider certificate yes :white_check_mark:


Download binaries for Linux, macOS and Windows.


Send a push notification to your app using certificate-based authentication:

apnscmd_linux_amd64 -cert-file app-cert.pem -cert-key app-private.pem \
    -token c7b68e4eb7d604876bf5836133479ffa49449c669f7e6b79318ae59032e83c24 \

Send an MDM push notification using certificate-based authentication with a PKCS#12 keystore and Base64 encoded device token:

apnscmd_linux_amd64 -cert-p12 apns.p12 -cert-pass <my password> \
    -token 'v2RwEsm69Go4aY4vSFY2pRLped2BMqETO3gDGBx7XmxKwSaKtZik7Q==' \
    -topic \
    -mdm-magic 1AA91790-BA78-4DBF-9102-FBA06E6110C4

Send a push notification to your app using token-based authentication:

apnscmd_linux_amd64 -auth-token AuthKey_BBC42Y2321.p8 -key-id BBC42Y2321 -team-id YXB7430FC8 \
    -token c7b68e4eb7d604876bf5836133479ffa49449c669f7e6b79318ae59032e83c24 \

Send a custom push notification to your app using token-based authentication with the JSON message specified in the command line:

apnscmd_linux_amd64 -auth-token AuthKey_BBC42Y2321.p8 -key-id BBC42Y2321 -team-id YXB7430FC8 \
    -token c7b68e4eb7d604876bf5836133479ffa49449c669f7e6b79318ae59032e83c24 \
    -topic -alert-json '{"aps": {"alert" : "test", "sound": "default"}, "custom":"custom value"}'

Send a custom push notification to your app using token-based authentication with the JSON message read from a file:

apnscmd_linux_amd64 -auth-token AuthKey_BBC42Y2321.p8 -key-id BBC42Y2321 -team-id YXB7430FC8 \
    -token c7b68e4eb7d604876bf5836133479ffa49449c669f7e6b79318ae59032e83c24 \
    -topic -alert-filename custom.json

Show all available arguments:

apnscmd_linux_amd64 -h

The -auth-token argument always takes prescedence overt the -cert-* arguments.

Extract keys from PKCS#12

If you're using a PKCS#12 keystore, then it must be DER encoded. BER encoded keystores are not supported. You'll need to manually break down a BER encoded keystore into certificate and private key files.

To extract private key file from a PKCS#12 container use:

openssl pkcs12 -info -in apns-production.p12 -nodes -nocerts -out apns-private.pem

To extrcat certificate file from a PKCS#12 container use:

openssl pkcs12 -info -in apns-production.p12 -nokeys -out apns-cert.pem




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