A PHP wrapper for the EOS Chain/Wallet RPC API.
You can check out the RPC API reference but beware that some of the newer methods are missing. Wallet RPC APIs are implemented as v1.1.0 of RPC API reference. Also, some of the examples in those docs use outdated syntax.
composer require manamine/php-eos-rpc-sdk
Create a dotenv .env
file in the project root, with your favorite RPC API host and KEOSD. You can use
as a template:
cp .env.example .env
There is a shiny factory method to auto instantiate all dependencies:
$api = (new ChainFactory)->api();
$walapi = (new WalletFactory)->api();
$eos = (new EosRpc($api, $walapi));
To get you started, there is a simple example runner which covers all API commands.
Just run this via cli to see example output for all commands:
cd examples
php chain.php
php wallet.php
php eosrpc.php
Almost Chain/Wallet API methods are covered.
Get latest information related to a node
echo $api->getInfo();
Get information related to a block
echo $api->getBlock("1337");
Get information related to a block header state
echo $api->getBlockHeaderState("0016e48707b181d93117b07451d9837526eba34a9a37125689fb5a73a5d28a38");
Get information related to an account
Fetch smart contract code
echo $api->getCode("eosio.token");
Fetch smart contract data from an account
echo $api->getTableRows("eosio", "eosio", "producers", ["limit" => 10]);
Fetch currency balance(s) for an account
echo $api->getCurrencyBalance("eosio.token", "eosdacserver");
Fetch stats for a currency
echo $api->getCurrencyStats("eosio.token", "EOS");
Get an account ABI
echo $api->getAbi("eosio.token");
Get raw code and ABI
echo $api->getRawCodeAndAbi("eosio.token");
List the producers
echo $api->getProducers(10);
Serialize json to binary hex
echo $api->abiJsonToBin("eosio.token", "transfer", ["blockmatrix1", "blockmatrix1", "7.0000 EOS", "Testy McTest"]);
Serialize back binary hex to json
echo $api->abiBinToJson("eosio.token", "transfer", "10babbd94888683c10babbd94888683c701101000000000004454f53000000000c5465737479204d6354657374");
Get the required keys needed to sign a transaction
echo $api->getRequiredKeys(
"expiration" => "2018-08-23T05.00.00",
"ref_block_num" => 15078,
"ref_block_prefix" => 1071971392,
"max_net_usage_words" => 0,
"delay_sec" => 0,
"context_free_actions" => [],
"actions" => [
"account" => "eosio.token",
"name" => "transfer",
"authorization" => [
"actor" => "user",
"permission" => "active"
"data" => "00000000007015d6000000005c95b1ca102700000000000004454f53000000000c757365722d3e746573746572"
"transaction_extensions" => []
Push a transaction
echo $api->pushTransaction("2018-08-23T05:29:39", "15780", "90170226",
"actions" => [
"account" => "eosio.token",
"name" => "transfer",
"authorization" => [
"actor" => "user",
"permission" => "active"
"data" => "00000000007015d6000000005c95b1ca102700000000000004454f53000000000c757365722d3e746573746572"
"signatures" => [
Push transactions
echo $api->pushTransactions(
"compression" => "none",
"transaction" => [
"expiration" => "2018-08-23T06:27:26",
"ref_block_num" => 22017,
"ref_block_prefix" => 3920123292,
"context_free_actions" => [],
"actions" => [
"account" => "eosio.token",
"name" => "transfer",
"authorization" => [
"actor" => "user",
"permission" => "active"
"data" => "00000000007015d6000000005c95b1ca102700000000000004454f53000000000c757365722d3e746573746572"
"transaction_extensions" => []
"signatures" => [
"compression" => "none",
"transaction" => [
"expiration" => "2018-08-23T06:27:26",
"ref_block_num" => 22017,
"ref_block_prefix" => 3920123292,
"context_free_actions" => [],
"actions" => [
"account" => "eosio.token",
"name" => "transfer",
"authorization" => [
"actor" => "tester",
"permission" => "active"
"data" => "000000005c95b1ca00000000007015d6881300000000000004454f53000000000c7465737465722d3e75736572"
"transaction_extensions" => []
"signatures" => [
Creates a new wallet with the given name
echo $walapi->create("testwallet");
Opens an existing wallet of the given name
echo $walapi->open("testwallet");
Locks an existing wallet of the given name
echo $walapi->lock("testwallet");
Locks all existing wallets
echo $walapi->lockAll();
Unlocks a wallet with the given name and password
echo $walapi->unlock(["testwallet", "PW5Jb8RAZP6CBjjMLPser3T8i8k9hZXZkMBJ8kb1p6f6hAg2n68jY"]);
Imports a private key to the wallet of the given name
echo $walapi->importKey(["testwallet", "5Jmsawgsp1tQ3GD6JyGCwy1dcvqKZgX6ugMVMdjirx85iv5VyPR"]);
Removes a key pair from the wallet of the given name
echo $walapi->removeKey(["testwallet", "PW5Jb8RAZP6CBjjMLPser3T8i8k9hZXZkMBJ8kb1p6f6hAg2n68jY", "EOS7ijWCBmoXBi3CgtK7DJxentZZeTkeUnaSDvyro9dq7Sd1C3dC4"]);
Creates a key pair and import
echo $walapi->createKey(["testwallet", "K1"]);
Lists all wallets
echo $walapi->listWallets();
Lists all key pairs from the wallet of the given name and password
echo $walapi->listKeys(["testwallet", "PW5Jb8RAZP6CBjjMLPser3T8i8k9hZXZkMBJ8kb1p6f6hAg2n68jY"]);
Lists all public keys across all wallets
echo $walapi->getPublicKeys();
Sets wallet auto lock timeout (in seconds)
echo $walapi->setTimeout(60);
Signs a transaction
echo $walapi->signTransaction(
"expiration" => "2018-08-23T06:35:30",
"ref_block_num" => 22985,
"ref_block_prefix" => 3016594541,
"max_net_usage_workds" => 0,
"delay_sec" => 0,
"context_free_actions" => [],
"actions" => [
"account" => "eosio.token",
"name" => "transfer",
"authorization" => [
"actor" => "user",
"permission" => "active"
"data" => "00000000007015d6000000005c95b1ca102700000000000004454f53000000000c757365722d3e746573746572"
"transaction_extensions" => []
Need to set wallet name and password
$eos->setWalletInfo("testwallet", "PW5Jb8RAZP6CBjjMLPser3T8i8k9hZXZkMBJ8kb1p6f6hAg2n68jY");
Push a transaction
echo $eos->pushTransaction(
"account" => "eosio.token",
"name" => "transfer",
"authorization" => [
"actor" => "user",
"permission" => "active"
"data" => [
"from" => "user",
"to" => "tester",
"quantity" => "1.0000 EOS",
"memo" => "memo"
Make a transaction (useful for pushTransactions)
$trx = $eos->makeTransaction(
"account" => "eosio.token",
"name" => "transfer",
"authorization" => [
"actor" => "user",
"permission" => "active"
"data" => [
"from" => "user",
"to" => "tester",
"quantity" => "1.0000 EOS",
"memo" => "memo"
Push transactions
$trx_ids = $eos->pushTransactions(
"account" => "eosio.token",
"name" => "transfer",
"authorization" => [
"actor" => "user",
"permission" => "active"
"data" => [
"from" => "user",
"to" => "tester",
"quantity" => "1.0000 EOS",
"memo" => "memo"
"account" => "eosio.token",
"name" => "transfer",
"authorization" => [
"actor" => "tester",
"permission" => "active"
"data" => [
"from" => "tester",
"to" => "user",
"quantity" => "0.5000 EOS",
"memo" => "memo"
foreach ($trx_ids as $key => $value) {
echo $trx_ids[$key]['transaction_id'] . PHP_EOL;
Push an action
echo $eos->pushAction("eosio", "buyram", ["payer"=>"tester","receiver"=>"tester","quant"=>"1.0000 EOS"], ["actor"=>"tester","permission"=>"active"]);
Transfers token
echo $eos->transfer("user", "tester", "1.0000 EOS", "memo");
Creates a key pair and returns
$keyPair = $eos->createKeyPair("K1");
echo "$keyPair[0], $keyPair[1]";
To run the test suites, simply execute:
If you wanna get fancy and check code coverage:
vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-html tests/coverage
If you're really bored, you might wanna run some static analysis:
vendor/bin/phpmetrics --report-html="tests/static" .
All contributions are welcome! Just fire up a PR, make sure your code style is PSR-2 compliant:
vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --verbose
Free for everyone!
MIT License