peterdesmet / petridish

Jekyll theme for research project websites 🧫
MIT License
49 stars 44 forks source link
bootstrap bootstrap5 jekyll-theme

petridish 🧫

Petridish is a Jekyll theme for research project websites. Or your personal blog or lab website. 👩‍🔬 It's mobile-friendly (thanks to Bootstrap 5), free, easy to customize, and designed to work well with GitHub Pages.


See the demo website for instructions:


Demo website



Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


MIT License

The instructions below can be adapted/included in the README of your site repository.


This website makes use of the static website generator Jekyll and the Petridish theme. Each commit to main will automatically trigger a new build on GitHub Pages. There is no need to build the site locally, but you can by installing Jekyll and running bundle exec jekyll serve.

Minor changes can be committed directly to main.

Changes requiring review (e.g. new blog posts) should be created in a separate branch and submitted as a pull request. Some guidelines:

Repo structure

The repository structure follows that of Jekyll websites.