petergullberg / brewbutton

Ardunio ESP32 BLE (&Browser Web Bluetooth) driven crappy nespresso expert brewbutton
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Brewbutton (Arduino (ESP32) & Browser Web Bluetooth)

The nespresso expert is a piece of shit and the app even more. So this project aims to replace the mobile app, and allow you to brew your own stuff. The only reason I started banging my head on this BLE protocol, was that the default "lungo" on the front dial added too much water, making it undrinkable, and to overcome the crappy App and the Crappy default settings on the machine.

I have also contributed a little to the reverse engineering of the protocol, see below. As a base I started with the insights from:

The brewbutton Arduino!

The ardunio brew-button is a simple device with a piece of code that connects to an nespresso machine, and when triggered by the IO PIN, it will send a simple brew command. Right now, it's hard-coded to a 130ml coffee recipe brew. My idea is to have a small brew button that can brew my morning coffe the way I want it.

Brewbutton in the browser

the Brewbutton html allows you to brew your coffee directly from the browser. It uses the Web Bluetooth API and does not require any installation or coding to make it work. You only need to get your AuthKey for your machine (See below). I have tested it with Chrome on W10, MAC and Android, and BlueFy for iOS. You should be able to test it right away, directly in browser. Once you have found your authKey you can add it to the URL, so the script uses that key:
Your authkey should be 8 hexadecimal bytes without space

BlueFy on iOS

For iOS, you can use BlueFy. Below is a QR-code to run Web Bluetooth on iPhone BlueFy

You can generate the QR-code URL here for example:
Then you can print it, and put it on your machine if you want to be a little nerdy

HOW TO START (Arduino)

HW and environment setup

The brew button is based on a simple ESP32 example, where I only added a debounced PIN, and stuff needed to program the nespresso machine. There might be alternatives here, but I put it here as a reference.

Code Changes from default

From the original setup I had to make a few changes

On top of this, I also discovered a bug on my windows installation, that prevented me from compiling, but that was solved by a simple mklink....


In order to start this, you need to retrieve the AUTH-KEY. For this, I find this a fairly simple step-by-step instruction.



There exist some already done reverse engineering. I have tried to gather what was missing, in order to build what I wanted. I used Wireshark and GATTBrowser from Renesas, both where quite handy. And you could also analyze status, while brewing manually.


Standard brews, are those that are on the front dial. Please note that the Americano contains way too much water, and is not a good choice.

0305070400000000 00 00 medium ristretto
0305070400000000 01 01 low espresso
0305070400000000 02 02 high lungo
0305070400000000 01 04 low hot water
0305070400000000 01 05 low americano
0305070400000000 01 07 Recipe brew      <= only throught BLE
03060102 would stop the brewing (not always)

As you can see, the last byte is the type of brew, and the second last is the temperature


Recipe brew, is where you can select how much coffe you want, the amount of water, and how hot the water should be. This comes as two separate write requests to the "command service" 06aa3a42-f22a-11e3-9daa-0002a5d5c51b (0x0024)

To make a recipe brew, you send two separate commands to the "command service" characteristic 06aa3a42-f22a-11e3-9daa-0002a5d5c51b

 Prepare command (0x0024):
 |  01 10 08 00 00 {01 00 61} {02 00 24}       |
 | - {010061} 01=coffe, 0061h=97ml             |
 | - {020024} 02=water, 0024h=37ml             |
 | - It's possible to reverse these two,       |
 |   if you want water first.                  |

Brew command (0x0024):
 |  03 05 07 04 00 00 00 00 {02} {07}          |
 | - 02 = Hot, 01 = x, 00 = x                  |
 | - 07 = Recipe                               |

To brew a recipe coffe, you write preparation command and then the brew command. When doing the analysis, the app sends
What I noticed was that when water ran out, "water engaged" was still active, as it hadn't reached it's volume

Flow when the App brews coffee

Prepare command    ------->   Write char (06aa3a12-f22a-11e3-9daa-0002a5d5c51b) (0x001C) 10B
Read Char          <-------   Read char (0x0026) 20B
Brew command       ------->   Write char (06aa3a12-f22a-11e3-9daa-0002a5d5c51b) (0x001C) 10B
Read Char          <-------   Read (0x0026) 20B
Read STATUS        <-------   Read 0x001C 8B


I investigated the status service (06aa3a12-f22a-11e3-9daa-0002a5d5c51b) (0x001C)
It's default state in idle mode is: "40 02 01 E0 40 00 FF FF"

 | Byte |    Bit    | Description                                       |
 |  B0  | x1xx xxxx | Always 1                                          |
 |      | xxx1 xxx0 | Capsule mechanism jammed                          |
 |      | xxxx x1xx | Descaling is needed                               |
 |      | xxxx xxx1 | Water is empty                                    |
 |  B1  | 1xxx xxxx | Capsule engaged                                   |
 |      | x1xx xxxx | Tray open / tray sensor full. Dx when sensor trips|
 |      | xxx1 xxxx | Tray sensor tripped during brewing?               |
 |      | xxxx 1xxx | Sleeping                                          |
 |      | xxxx x1xx | Water pump engaged                                |
 |      | xxxx xx1x | Awake, ok                                         |
 |      | xxxx xxx1 | Water temperature low / set while sleeping        |
 |  B2  | ???? ???? | tbc                                               |
 |      |           | Typical value 0x80                                |
 |  B3  | ???? ???? | tbc                                               |
 |      |           | 05h, seen 06h                                     |
 |  B4  | xx.. .... | Appears to be an error counter. It's incremented  |
 |      |           | each time an error occurs. 00h,40h,80h,d0h,00h    |
 |      |           | Maybe used to detect error (notifications)        |
 |  B5  | ???? ???? | tbc                                               |
 |      |           |                                                   |
 | B6B7 |   XX XX   | [2019-12-21] Updated                              |
 |      |           | Appears to be a count-down that is used to        |
 |      |           | signal when descaling it needed when it reaches   |
 |      |           | 000h, probably starting from FFFFh                |
 |      |           | B6 is high-byte, and B7 is not always returned    |
 |      |           | When it reaches 0000h, it set B0.2.               |
 |      |           | Before descaling counter starts, the B6-B7 are    |
 |      |           | not returned.                                     |
 |      |           | Unclear what the values actually represent        |
 |      |           | but they tend to go slower as longer we wait      |

What I noticed was that when water ran out, "water engaged" was still active, as it hadn't reached it's volume.
While brewing coffee, both capsule engage and water engaged are active.
Quirks found:
* Sometimes when device is reobooted status is 40 00 ..
* If tray sensor trips during brewing the value becomes 40 Dx
* After sending the brew command, you may get warming, water engaged and them coffee brew, seems to be some latency in status

- Idle:        "40 02 01 E0 40 00 FF FF"
- Coffee:      "40 84 01 E0 40 00 FF FF"
- Water:       "40 04 01 E0 40 00 FF FF"
- Empty Water: "41 84 01 E0 40 00 FF FF" (capsule still locked in)
- Tray full:   "40 4x


It appears that the characteristic 06aa3a52-f22a-11e3-9daa-0002a5d5c51b is the RESPONSE from COMMANDS sent over Bluetooth (06aa3a42-f22a-11e3-9daa-0002a5d5c51b). This need to be clarified more in detail, but this is what I have found so far:

The command structure in both ways appears to be:
{2B_CMD}{L}{DATA}  =>
{2B_RESP}{L}{DATA} <=
B0.7 represent 0=CMD, 1=RESP
B0.6 represent ERROR

 | Sequence                            | Interpretation                                                          |
 | CMD : 03050704000000000200          | Send normal brew command                                                |
 | RESP: 83 05 01 20                   | Success (8x) on last command (Brew=x3 05), respcode:len(01),data(20)    |
 |                                     |                                                                         |
 | CMD : 03050704000000000200          | Send normal brew command, but did not cycle lid (no new pod)            |
 | RESP: c3 05 02 24 12                | Failure (cx) on last command (brew=x3 05), respCode:len(02),data(24 12) |
 |                                     | Reason(24 12) Lid not cycled                                            |
 |                                     |                                                                         |
 | CMD : 03050704000000000500          | Send incorrect brew command                                             |
 | RESP: c3 05 02 36 03                | Failure (cx) on last command (brew=x3 05), respCode:len(02),data(36 03) |
 |                                     | Reason(36 03) Wrong command                                             |
 |                                     |                                                                         |
 | CMD : 0110080000010061020024        | Send prepare brew command, while not having cycled lid                  |
 | RESP: c1 10 02 23 60                | Failure (cx), cmd x110 ok status=2360                                   |
 |                                     |                                                                         |
 | CMD : 0110080000010061020024        | Send prepare brew command, after cyclcing lid                           |
 | RESP: 81 10 01 20                   | Success (8x) last cmd x110 ok Reason=20                                 |
 |                                     |                                                                         |
 | CMD : 03060102                      | Send abort command (while not brewing)                                  |
 | RESP: c3 06 01 21                   | Failure (cx) on last command (cmd=x3 06), respCode:len(01),data(21)     |
 |                                     | Reason(21)                                                              |
Other errors:
 * 0x2403 => Tray full

After reboot, the characteristics is empty.

Slider status

The capsule slider status is on characteristic 06aa3a22-f22a-11e3-9daa-0002a5d5c51b

Slider status
 | Byte |    Value  | Description                                       |
 |  B0  |    0x00   | Slider is open                                    |
 |      |    0x02   | Slider is closed                                  |
 This value is only present value.

Second status - tbd

Not really sure what this is, yet... But it appears that the app reads this after writing the recipe brew. 0x0026 (R)

What I noticed after performing prepare recipe in the Nespresso App, reading the value was


Here is a list of things I would like to progress on, in case I have that time somewhere in the future.

TODO's on the Code:

Other protocol details I plan to investigate:

Tested machines

Comments from @tikismoke (thanks!)

Nespresso prodigio&milk Descaling ("detartrage" in french) so i have different value i hope to find what byte (or value changed) when i'll done it. For example the for value i get:

44 09 80 0C C0 00 00
44 09 80 2D C0 00 00
44 09 07 2D C0 00 00
44 09 07 1D 0C C0 00 00 00

Caps remaining

06aa3a15-f22a-11e3-9daa-0002a5d5c51b is the caps remaining in stock in hex format (if you have add them in the apps) Value got from 00:00 to 03:E8 (from 0 caps to 1000).

The characteristics also notifies you, after brewing.

44 09 80 0C C0 00 00
44 09 80 2D C0 00 00
44 09 07 2D C0 00 00
44 09 07 1D 0C C0 00 00 00

But it can also contain from 03:E9 to FF:FF and in apps it appears a '+' instead of the caps value and ask you to follow caps purchase in apps (as if it was deactivate) The apps can notify you when value is low.

Water hardness

byte 3.0 (04 or 03) is the "water hardness" ("dureté de l'eau" in french) set in the apps (from 0 to 4) Try to send 5 or more and the value change to 4 automatically (seems that the cofee machine maintain it too a correct value)

07 08 04 00
07 08 03 00

Other notes: When a pod wasn't punctured (and hence no coffee flow) the error was 41840018000

Nespresso w/ WebBluetooth

Recently I have been working on learning Web-Bluetooth and JavaScript, and what is better than to have an actual device to work on. The current implementation is very experimental (as always), "brewbutton.html". I made an simple implementation of the protocol in Web Bluetooth/JavaScript. There are quite many things left to manage, but it's a start.

Some caveats here:

Issues with this:

Specification and examples:


<<<<<<< HEAD

Future plans

Find a way to "clone" a profile, and the capture the authentication credentials