petermolnar / wp-ffpc

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=== WP-FFPC === Contributors: cadeyrn Tags: cache, nginx, memcached, apc Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 4.7.2 Stable tag: 1.11.2 License: GPLv3 License URI:

A fast, memory based full page cache plugin supporting APC or memcached.

== Description ==

WARNING The development of WP-FFPC had been put on hold. If you need new features, please send code and pull requests to WP FFPC @ Github.

A short why: I developed this plugin in 2010 to support my own site. Right now, as it is, it's working on a few sites I still maintain for friends and since I don't need any additional features, I'm not planning to extend it with things I have no real use of. During the past years I've received some heartwarming donations - unfortunately the amount never came close to consider the project financially beneficial. I removed the donation links and put it on hold for now.

WP-FFPC is a cache plugin for WordPress. It works with any webserver, including, but not limited to, apache2, lighttpd, nginx.

It can be configured together with NGiNX but use memcached plugin directly from the webserver, bypassing PHP.

= Requirements =

This plugin does not kick in right after activation. You have to adjust the setting in Settings -> WP-FFPC and save the settings.*

= Known issues =

= Features: =

Many thanks for donations, contributors, supporters, testers & bug reporters:

Harold Kyle, Eric Gilette, doconeill, Mark Costlow, Jason Miller, Dave Clark, Miguel Clara, Anton Pelešev, Firas Dib, CotswoldPhoto, tamagokun, Many Ayromlou,, Christian Rößner, Ameir Abdeldayem, Alvaro Gonzalez, Meint Post, Knut Sparhell, Christian Kernbeis, Gausden Barry, Maksim Bukreyeu, Lissome Hong Kong Limited, Gabriele Lauricella, 7th Veil, LLC, Julia Harsch, Grant Berntsen, Jorgen Ilstad, Cinema Minima for Movie Makers Worldwide

== Installation ==

  1. Upload contents of to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Enable WordPress cache by adding define('WP_CACHE',true); in wp-config.php
  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress ( site or Network wide )
  4. Check the settings in Settings ( site or Network Admin, depending on activation wideness ) -> WP-FFPC menu in WordPress.
  5. Save the settings. THIS STEP IS MANDATORY: without saving the settings, there will be no activated caching!

= Using the plugin with NGiNX = If the storage engine is either PHP Memcache or PHP Memcached extension, the created entries can be read and served directly from NGiNX ( if it has memcache or memc extension ) A short configuration example is generated on the plugin settings page, under NGiNX tab according to the saved settings. NOTE: Some features ( most of additional HTTP headers for example, like pingback, shortlink, etc. ) will not be available with this solution.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= The plugin is not working! =

Did you save the settings as mentioned in this document? Do you have at lest one supported backend?

= It's making my site slower than it was! =

So far this only happened if PHP 5.4 or higher was used with APC. Please avoid this setup; PHP 5.4 shipped opcache and APC is full of bugs since then. Use APCu with PHP 5.4+.

= Does it support mobile theme switching? =

No, it doesn't, and with the way it's currently working, it never will. WP-FFPC is using the URL as key for caching, so it can't differentiate if there is no change in the URL. (I personally also disagree with separation of mobile and non-mobile theme; you need to support a plethora of screen sizes and resolutions, so just use responsive designs instead of splitted logics.)

= Can you please add '(insert shiny new feature here)'? =

Sure. Send me a code and a pull request on WP FFPC @ Github. Unfortunately I don't have the resources to code it myself, but there are plenty of WordPress developers who would probably do it for a minor fee.

== Screenshots ==

  1. settings screen, cache type and basic settings
  2. debug and in depth-options
  3. cache exceptions
  4. memcached servers settings
  5. NGiNX example

== Changelog ==

Version numbering logic:

= 1.11.2 = 2017-02-08

= 1.11.1 = 2017-02-08

= 1.11.0 = 2016-01-15

= 1.10.1 = 2015-10-30

= 1.10.0 = 2015-10-23


= 1.9.1 = 2015-10-18

= 1.9.0 = 2015-10-14

= 1.8.4 = 2015-10-13

= 1.8.3 = 2015-05-07

= 1.8.2 = 2015-04-30

= 1.8.1 = 2015-04-29

= 1.8.0 = 2015-04-29

What's new:

Under the hood:

= 1.7.9 = 2015-02-02

What's new:

= 1.7.8 = 2015-01-30

What's new:

= 1.7.7 = 2015-01-14

What's fixed:

= 1.7.6 = 2015-01-09

What's fixed:

= 1.7.5 = 2014-12-29

What's fixed:

This was a really bad bug and it could have cause a lot of issues since the plugin was probably not working in some cases when the alerts went unnoticed. Due to WordPress restrictions on admin_notices hook I had to use PHP features only present since 5.3. Please keep this in mind.

= 1.7.4 = 2014-12-17

What's changed:

= 1.7.3 = 2014-12-17

What's fixed:

= 1.7.2 = 2014-12-08

What's changed:

= 1.7.1 = 2014-12-04

What's fixed:

What's new:

What's changed:

= 1.7.0 = 2014-09-19

What's new:

What's changed:

= 1.6.4 = 2014-09-12

What's fixed:

= 1.6.3 = 2014-09-12

What's fixed:

= 1.6.2 = 2014-09-05

What's fixed:

= 1.6.1 = 2014-09-04

What's fixed:

1.6 release, correcting SVN madness with non-recursive copies.

= 1.6.0 = 2014-05-30

What's new:

What's fixed:

Under the hood:

= 1.5.0 = 2014-05-30

What's new:

= 1.4.0 = 2014-05-12

What's new:

What's fixed:

= 1.3.3 = 2014-04-29

What's changed:

= 1.3.2 = 2014-04-09

What's fixed:

= 1.3 = 2014-04-04

What's fixed:

What's new:

= 1.2.2 = 2013-11-07

What's fixed:

= 1.2.1 = 2013-07-23

What's fixed:

= 1.2 = 2013-07-17

What's new:

What's fixed:

Dropped functionalities

For Devs

= 1.1.1 = 2013-04-25

= 1.1 = 2013-04-24

What's new:

What's fixed:

= 1.0 = 2013-03-22


Dropped functions

= 0.6.1 = 2013-03-08

= 0.6 = 2013-03-08

= 0.5.1 = 2013-03-07

= 0.5 = 2013-03-06 WARNING, MAJOR CHANGES!

= 0.4.3 = 2013-03-03

= 0.4.2 = 2012-12-07


There are major problems with the "memcache" driver, the source is yet unkown. The situation is that there's no response from the memcached server using this driver; please avoid using it!

= 0.4.1 = 2012-08-16

= 0.4 = 2012-08-06


= 0.3.2 = 2012-02-27

= 0.3 = 2012-02-21

= 0.2.3 = 2012-02-21

= 0.2.2 = 2012-02-21

= 0.2.1 = 2012-02-21

= 0.2 = 2012-02-19

= 0.1 = 2012-02-16