peterniemeier / Flex-Project

2 stars 2 forks source link


Porcelain’s core application is a web/mobile app with the sole purpose of helping the user find a toilet! Users will help populate the database. We will be using the MERN stack (mongoDB, Express, React, NodeJS) to build our app.

Our project will heavily rely on the incorporattion of Google Maps API with our app to implement real-time maps and location services to our Users. Our server will be listening for incoming connections and will establish a connection between clients and our app when a request is made by a client. We will be managing real-time display of changes regarding toilet information from the upstream and downstream communications between our server and the client.

Web/Mobile App The app will be a basic landing page where the user will sign up /log in and help generate/read data. Like many review apps, our app will rely heavily on user participation and feedback to help generate/update many of our existing toilets. Technical challenges: Users will have a seamless experience on their mobile device, where user sign-up/sign-in, as well as toilet show pages and markers will be displayed primarily through modals, allowing users to quickly navigate and use our app without having to wait for re-rendering of our pages. This will be of the utmost importance to users who are most likely on-the-go while looking for a quick pit-stop. Having an accurate Google Map API to guide users not only to an accurate bathroom location, but directions to get there as well.


User Auth







Sample State

        entities: {
            users: {
                2: {
                    id: 2,
                    username: 'steve',
            toilets: {
                42: {
                    id: 42,
                    lat: 37.23423,
                    lng: -121.345,
                    title: 'A great toilet',
                    creator_id: 5,
            comments: {
                creator_id: 12,
                body: 'I took a good poop, good lock too',
                rating: 1-5,
        session: {
            id: 3
        ui: {
            maps: {
                border: (lat, lng),
                center: (lat, lng),
        errors: {
            session_errors: ["Must have stuff"]


Technologies and Challenges


The architecture of Porcelain will be deployed and maintained as a desktop application that can be responsive as on the mobile.

Porcelain is built with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node). It features a frontend agnostic API servicing both web and mobile in conjunction with client side rendering with React.


The backend will be done in Node, Express, and MongoDB. With minimal relations, a NoSQL DB will be efficient for this project

The schema consists of 3 models (Users, Toilets, and Comments)



The user experience will go right to the map for the user to see the reviews of toilets closest to them. It will be similar to Waze with a crowdsourcing interface where users will be able to contribute their own reviews by simply clicking on a coordinate on the map.

Backend: MongoDB/Express

Technical challenges:

Work Breakdown

Peter Niemeier, Austin Cotant, Anthony Tam, James Touri

Oct. 22 - 23

Oct. 24 - 25