peterrexj / Selenium.Essentials

A simple framework to support automation with Selenium. Provides different control like Table, Textbox, Checkbox defined on top of IWebElement making the life of an automation engineer much easier by following the test rather than defining control operations. Provides API support to perform integration tests.
Apache License 2.0
10 stars 5 forks source link

Issue with CollectionControl and parent item #27

Closed PavloParafiloCricut closed 1 year ago

PavloParafiloCricut commented 1 year ago

Looks like CollectionControl doesn't respect parentControl parameter. Even passing parent it still founds first on a page

WebControl updateContainer = new CollectionControl(Driver, By.ClassName("some-class"),  parentControl)
peterrexj commented 1 year ago

Hi @PavloParafiloCricut, I totally missed this, thanks for reporting the problem, I have fixed it in the latest version and added a couple of more features to the CollectionControl and other controls

Please let me know if that works and also if you see more issues, happy to help,

Thanks, Peter