peterrexj / Selenium.Essentials

A simple framework to support automation with Selenium. Provides different control like Table, Textbox, Checkbox defined on top of IWebElement making the life of an automation engineer much easier by following the test rather than defining control operations. Provides API support to perform integration tests.
Apache License 2.0
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Package (Test Automation) Description
Selenium Essentials Build Selenium web automation test using advanced web controls with wrappers and plenty of extensions to fasten your automation development time
Api Tests Simple and powerful framework to write API tests focused for Shift Left. For those who think quality as engineering and work along with the developers using .NET c#
Jira Rest SDK SDK using Jira REST to query Jira application using Rest endpoints. Manage your Jira process from query, create and update issues. Integrate with you existing automation solution or process that will manage both Jira Server and Cloud based application
Zephyr Scale Rest SDK SDK to connect to the Zephyr Scale app using Zephyr Scale's Rest endpoints. Manage your communication and easily retrieve and publish test cases, test cycle and execution results to Zephyr Scale. You can integrate with you existing automation solution or process that will manage these process. Support both Server and Cloud hosted Zephyr Scale application

Notice: Release version 1.3.0

All extensions and helpers are now moved to Pj library and should use

using Pj.Library

to your class if refering to any extensions or helpers. The document to the extensions and helpers will be updated soon.

Build Selenium web automation test using advanced web controls with wrappers and plenty of extensions to fasten your automation development time. Focus more on script logic with better consistent script execution, less maintenance, no hardwaits, with improved script execution performance and integrated Api testing framework.


Selenium provides only option to create only a single generic control which is called the IWebElement. Imagine if you have option to declare controls which resemble the html elements and provide its functionality, for example, Checkbox, Textbox, Button.

Selenium Essentials provide new custom controls giving meaning to your page objects and making it more readable. Every control is defined from a BaseControl which has a set of definitions applicable to all controls as well as its custom actions. For example, Checkbox control will have all properties of the BaseControl and also defines Check() which ticks the checkbox in the UI, UnCheck() which unticks the checkbox, IsChecked returns a bool value based on the control is Checked or Unchecked reading from the UI.

The Custom control also expose the underlying IWebElement as a property used by Selenium, in case you need to do any operations on top of this.

There are plenty of Wait operation defined on the base control which flows through all the custom controls. There are different overrides to the wait operation where you can control the time to wait, whether to throw exception if fails, message for assertions when the waits are used for assert operations. Some custom control overrides the default wait to give a better meaning.

Read more about controls here

WebDriver and WebElement comes with some useful extensions which helps during the automation. For example, executing javascript, scroll operations, taking screenshot, getting driver capabilities.

There is a simple Api framework, which can help in writing Integration tests using a fluent approach.

Package contains lots of extensions and helpers over different types which will help increase productivity. Example,



Visual Studio 2017 or higher

You need to know


nuget install Selenium.Essentials


Once you have setup your project or added the nuget package to your existing project, follow the links below to speed up your development.

  1. Onboarding
  2. Initialize Web Driver
  3. PageObject with new controls
  4. Some Tips


Conventional way to declare elements (IWebElement)

private IWebElement _headerContent = driver.FindElement(By.Id("chkAreYouRobot"));

The below section show how to use new Checkbox control. This definition is clear on what element in the UI corresponds to and also contains its custom properties and methods.

Add the using statement for this package

using Selenium.Essentials

Define the new control in your page object. If you have existing page objects with IWebElement, then you can easily change with same selector and passing it to the new custom control. Remember, the driver is explicitly passed to the control, in order to have better control over the page object if you intend to run the scripts in parallel, on the same machine.

private CheckboxControl _userTypeCheck => new CheckboxControl(driver, By.Id("chkAreYouRobot"));

Notice the declaration is by an expression (=>) which does not store the value but fetch everytime when accessed. Following this pattern reduces StaleElementException.

To tick the checkbox

public void CheckUserType() {
  _userTypeCheck.WaitForElementVisible(errorMessage: "The User Type checkbox was not visible in the UI"); //This can be used as an assertions, and when not found, it will throw with an exception with "errorMessage"

Conditionally check if the element exist by waiting for maximum of 2 seconds and make a check operation if available. The below sample will not throw an exception if the control was not found in the browser, instead the WaitForElementVisible will return false after 2 seconds and will not go inside the if condition

public void CheckUserType() {
  if (_userTypeCheck.WaitForElementVisible(waitTimeSec: 2, throwExceptionWhenNotFound: false)) {

This is how it looks like when you have new controls in your page object

private ButtonControl _loginBtn => new ButtonControl(driver, By.Name("loginUser"));
private TextboxControl _usernameTxt => new TextboxControl(driver, By.Id("txtUserName"));
private TextboxControl _passwordTxt => new TextboxControl(driver, By.Id("txtPassword"));
private WebControl _headerContent => new WebControl(driver, By.CssSelector("div.user h2"));
private UnorderedListControl _tabNavigation => new UnorderedListControl(driver, By.XPath("//div[@id='p-namespaces']/ul"));
private TableControl _tableMainContent => new TableControl(driver, By.Id("mp-upper"));

Custom control default properties and methods (few listed)

Properties Properties Methods Methods
IsReadonly Value GetAttribute(string) ScrollTo()
IsDisabled Text Click() Clear()
IsEnabled ElementId WaitAndClick(int) Highlight()
IsVisible Class ScrollAndClick()
CssDisplayed Classes ClickByJsScript()
IsDisplayed Driver WaitClickAndIgnoreError()
IsHidden RawElement SendKeys()
Exists ParentControl SendEnter()
XpathSelector ParentRawElement SendTab()
By SetFocusByJavascript()

Wait operations (few listed)

Wait On Description
WaitUntilElementVisible Wait until the element is visible
WaitUntilElementInvisible Wait until the element goes invisible
WaitUntilElementEnabled Wait until the element is enabled
WaitUntilElementExists Wait until the element exists
WaitUntilElementCssDisplayed Wait until the element is Css Displayed (display: none not applied)
WaitUntilElementClickable Wait until the element is clickable, which is element Exists, Displayed, CssDisplayed and Enabled
WaitUntilElementTextTrimEquals Wait until the text on the element after trim is equal to the text passed for match
WaitUntilElementTextStartsWith Wait until the text on the element after trim is starts with the text passed for match
WaitUntilElementTextContains Wait until the text on the element contains the text passed for match
WaitUntilElementHasSomeText Wait until the element has any text on it

Most of the above operations are also added to IWebElement as extension methods
