peterrexj / Selenium.Essentials

A simple framework to support automation with Selenium. Provides different control like Table, Textbox, Checkbox defined on top of IWebElement making the life of an automation engineer much easier by following the test rather than defining control operations. Provides API support to perform integration tests.
Apache License 2.0
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TestApiHttp is blocked and never exit #31

Open vd3d opened 3 months ago

vd3d commented 3 months ago


I'm testing your Jira.Rest.SDK and trying to figure with it does not work. So, I have made some test and the TestApiHttp is blocking and never got any answer.

For example, I got the following from the documentation, and it freeze my application.

new TestApiHttp() .SetEnvironment("") .PrepareRequest("/data/2.5/forecase") .Get() .ResponseBody .ContentJson;

I have try with some other URLs (My JIRA server for example), I have also do a simple test with a HttpClient and this one works.

So, I have no idea about what can cause such issue?

Can you help please?


peterrexj commented 3 months ago

Hi @vd3d ,

I tried your example on the latest and could not see any problem on that call. I can see the result coming out image

Can you give me more specific details like your project details (.net framework version), are you on Mac and how is this method getting invoked, is it on async call then try removing to sequential?