peterztan / Pomodojack

A Pomodoro Technique Endorsement
MIT License
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The Pomodojack Application

Contributors: Peter Tan, Sandra Martinez, Magdalene James, Nick Gluch

The Why?

There are a lot of different task applications out there right now, but none of them has the Pomodoro Technique integrated within the application architechture. This application aims to create a tool to allow users to persistently store their tasks in a fun and visually relaxing way while applying the Pomodoro method to their general workflow. For more information on the Pomodoro Technique, Click Here.

The How?

We will be utilizing the following technologies in order to achieve the functionalities that our application aims to achieve:

So what is the workflow like?

Possible Future Feature Implementations:

Motivating Ourselves:

Most good programmers do programming not because they expect to get paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to program. --- Linus Torvalds