petosa / mongo_qcdb

MongoDB backend for storing quantum chemical databases
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MongoDB backend for storing quantum chemical databases


mongo_qcdb is a MongoDB database backend for quantum chemical activities, particularly for use with the Psi4 project ( or Currently, there is no open, standardized, and centralized repository for the outputs of computational chemistry calculations. Ease of access to such data is essential to progress, as individual calculations can take days or weeks to run. This backend is hopefully the answer to that problem.

Schema Guide

This MongoDB database has 3 collections: databases, molecules, and pages. All documents are imported from JSON files.

Hashing and Uniqueness


Before any document is entered into the Mongo database, we compute a SHA1 hash based on its JSON. This hash is used as the _id of the document instead of MongoDB's default ObjectID. This unique ID attached to each document added to the database prevents duplicate entries and increases access speed dramatically. To understand the benefits of indexing, see

SHA1 hashes are superior to ObjectIDs because the SHA1 hash is reflective of the actual content of the document. Hence, it is persistent through database flushes, whereas an ObjectID would be reset if a document is removed and re-added.

Hashed Fields

For all document types, we only take a hash of a few essential fields as opposed to the entire document. This allows for small changes to the JSON during production without the need to recalculate the entire hash.

Hashed fields for molecules

"symbols": ["C", "O", "O"],
"masses": [16.0, 18.0, 18.0],
"name": "Carbon Dioxide",
"charge": 0.0,
"multiplicity": 1,
"real": [false, false, false],
"geometry": [ .. ],
"fragments":[[ .. ], ..],
"fragment_charges": [3.1, 2.1, 1.1],
"fragment_multiplicities": [1, 2, 3]

Hashed fields for databases

"name": "S22"

Hashed fields for pages

"molecule": "dbbacd78247e7b39ee5cb8e78d74423e98639203",
"method": "MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ"

Why not use unique indexing to manage duplicates?

MongoDB does not support indexing of dictionary fields like geometry. Computing a SHA1 hash of the fields that define uniqueness is a much cleaner solution.

JSON Structure


A collection of atomic documents. That is, they do not have an external references and essentially define a set of usable data units. The schema of a database document is described below in JSON.

  "symbols": ["C", "O", "O"],
  "masses": [16.0, 18.0, 18.0],
  "name": "Carbon Dioxide",
  "charge": 0.0,
  "multiplicity": 1,
  "real": [false, false, false],
  "comment": "A test comment",
  "geometry": [
    [3.11, 5.12, 6.14],
    [-3.13, -7.12, -9.18],
    [1.22, 5.11, -1.89]
  "fragments": [
    [1, 2, 3],
    [4, 5, 6],
    [7, 8, 9]
  "fragment_charges": [3.0, 2.2, 4.1],
  "fragment_multiplicities": [5, 2, 3],
  "provenance": {
    "doi": "val",
    "tag": "val",
    "version": "0.7.4alpha0+21.gd658905.dirty",
    "routine": "moldesign.from_smiles",
    "creator": "MolecularDesignToolkit"


Collection which is home to a number of database documents. The schema of a database document is described below in JSON

  "name": "S22",
  "reactions": [
      "name": "cool reaction",
      "stoichiometry": {
        "default": {
          "mol1hash": 1,
          "mol2hash": -1,
        "cp": {
          "mol1hash": 1,
          "mol2Mhash": -1,
          "mol3Mhash": -1
        "sapt": {
          "mol1hash": 1
      "reaction_results": ["MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ", "MP3/byg-aa-pPAZ", "N92/ygk-eq-hONE"],
      "subset": "string",
      "attributes": {
        "R": 1.0,
        "Q": 2.0
      "name": "crazy reaction",
      "stoichiometry": {
        "default": {
          "mol1hash": 1,
          "mol2hash": -1,
        "cp": {
          "mol1hash": 1,
          "mol2Mhash": -1,
          "mol3Mhash": -1
        "sapt": {
          "mol1hash": 1
      "reaction_results": ["MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ", "MP3/byg-aa-pPAZ", "N92/ygk-eq-hONE"],
      "subset": "string2",
      "attributes": {
        "R": 30,
        "Q": 4.0
  "provenance": {
    "doi": "val",
    "tag": "val",
    "version": "0.7.4alpha0+21.gd658905.dirty",
    "routine": "moldesign.from_smiles",
    "creator": "MolecularDesignToolkit"
  "citation": "A. Smith and B. Jones",
  "link": ""

Each entry in the molecules array is the _id of a molecule known in the molecules collection. This is known as a manual reference:


A collection of page documents, which is essentially a dual key to multiple value lookup entry. Each page is a separate entry. The keys needed to access a page are [molecule,method].

  "molecule_hash": "dbbacd78247e7b39ee5cb8e78d74423e98639203",
  "modelchem": "MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ",
  "return_value": 1.34,
  "type": "energy",
  "success": true,
  "error": "",
  "raw_output": "",
  "options": {
    "opt1": "val",
    "opt2": "val"
  "variables": {
    "var1": "val",
    "var2": "val"
  "provenance": {
    "doi": "val",
    "tag": "val",
    "version": "0.7.4alpha0+21.gd658905.dirty",
    "routine": "moldesign.from_smiles",
    "creator": "MolecularDesignToolkit"

Again, molecule is the _id of the referenced molecule. Again, a manual reference.