petronny / pinyin-completion

complete path name based upon the pinyin acronym of Chinese characters
GNU General Public License v3.0
63 stars 13 forks source link

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Complete path by acronym of pinyin initials.


% ls
自然语言处理  '自然语言处理 课程结课作业.md'
% ls zr<TAB>
自然语言处理                   自然语言处理\ 课程结课作业.md
% cd zr<TAB>
% cd 自然语言处理/



This plugin respects zsh plugin standard, so if you use any plugin manager and follow the instructions of your plugin manager, it can be installed correctly. Otherwise:

. /the/path/of/this/plugin/pinyin-completion.plugin.zsh


If you cannot distinguish n and l, try:

declare -A FUZZY=(

Then always use l.

By default, this plugin will change Chinese punctuation to English punctuation. You can add more punctuation maps:

declare -A FUZZY=(

Then use ... to search the file whose name contains .