petrovicstefanrs / 30_seconds_of_knowledge

Google Chrome Extension that lets you gain new developer skills, every time you open a New Tab.
MIT License
942 stars 121 forks source link

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Google Chrome






Gain new developer skills every time you open a New Tab! You can choose from 14 snippet libraries (13 Programming languages and Interview Questions). All you need is 30 seconds to read and understand the snippets and improve your knowledge.


Available Snippet Libraries

Change Log

MVP Phase:

V1.0.0 Phase:

V1.1.0 Phase:

V1.2.0 Phase:

V2.0.0 Phase:

Constant Work:

Snippet Issues

Most of the snippets are provided by other great open-source projects on which this extension is dependent. If you find a bug, a typo, or any other issue in the snippet please open an Issue in the source repo, or make a PR in the source repo. This way the extension snippets will be updated with the subsequent release of the extension.

List of source repos:


Inspired by the phenomenal 30 seconds of code made by Angelos Chalaris - Go and give the original project some love!