petrs / pyAPDUFuzzer

A fuzzer for APDU-based smartcard interfaces
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afl-fuzzer apdu fuzzing smartcard


A fuzzer for APDU-based smartcard interfaces


If you want to install pyAPDUFuzzer, you will need the following dependencies:

You will also need a modified version of python-afl:

pip3 install --user git+

Installation script

If you are using Fedora, Ubuntu, Arch Linux, or macOS, you can use our script to install all required dependencies. Just run following line in your terminal:

curl -fsSL | sh


You can install the latest version of pyAPDUFuzzer from GitHub (recommended):

pip3 install --user git+

Or use version from PyPI:

pip3 install --user apdu-fuzzer

Local development

For local development, clone this repository to your current working directory:

git clone

Then install pyAPDUFuzzer in editable mode:

cd pyAPDUFuzzer && pip3 install --user -e . && cd ..

PC/SC Smart Card Daemon

Before you can start using pyAPDUFuzzer, you need to start pcscd. If you are using systemd, you can run the following command:

systemctl start pcscd.service


pyAPDUFuzzer is divided into three parts — prefix fuzzing, AFL fuzzing, and grammar synthesis.

Prefix fuzzing

The main aim of prefix fuzzer is to discover available methods on the card and supported lengths of valid payload. This method tries all combinations of APDU headers using brute-force (also, some optimizations are used to speed up the process).

You can run prefix fuzzer as follows:


You can also pass --start_ins and --end_ins parameters to specify which instructions should be tested:

# test instructions between 0x0a and 0x28
apdu-prefix-fuzz --start_ins 10 --end_ins 40

Prefix fuzzer often produces huge amounts of data; Therefore, we provide a script that reduces the count of lines and makes files more readable.

cat results.json | apdu-prefix-reduce > reduced_results.json

AFL fuzzing

AFL fuzzing is used to discover inputs that trigger new, interesting behavior. AFL fuzzer is divided into two parts — client and server.


In order to use AFL fuzzing, you must start a server:

apdu-fuzz --server

If you have multiple card readers connected to your computer, you can specify which one you want to use by passing --card_reader ID to the server. ID starts from zero.

If you want to run multiple instances of pyAPDUFuzzer simultaneously, you need to specify a port for the server and its corresponding client by passing --port PORT parameter to both of them.


Before you can start fuzzing, you need to create a directory with seed input:

mkdir inputs
echo -n '000000000000' > inputs/seed1

To start the AFL fuzzer, run the following command:

PYTHON_AFL_PERSISTENT=1 py-afl-fuzz -m 500 -t 5000 -o result/ -i inputs/ -- \
    apdu-fuzz --afl --mask 00000000 --tpl 0be00100 --payload-len-b 12 --payload-len-s 31

In order to use GLADE, you will need to install it from here:

Before you can start fuzzing, you need to start the server (apdu-fuzz --server).

Then create a directory with seed inputs:

mkdir inputs
echo '0002380000007f33cbca3637' | xxd -r -p > inputs/seed1

Finally, start the GLADE:

glade learn --alphabet BYTE --length 12-31 --input inputs \
    'apdu-afl-fuzz --glade --mask 00000000 --tpl 0be00100 --payload-len-b 12 --payload-len-s 31 --response_status 6982'
+----------------------------------+ AFL +-------------------+ +----------------+ +------------------+ stdin socket +---+ +---------- Client ------------ Server -------- - - Card +---+ +------+ +-------- -------+ +------------------+ +- SHM ------------+ +-------------------+ +------+


(ascii by


- Server is started first, connects to the card and listens on the socket for
  raw data to send to the card.  Does not process input data in any way.
- Server stores raw responses from the card to the data files.
- Server is able to reconnect to the card if something goes wrong.
- Client is started by AFL. AFL sends input data via STDIN, forking the client
  with each new fuzz input. PCSC does not like forking with AFL this
  server/client architecture was required.
- Client is forked by the AFL after python is initialized. Socket can be opened
  either before fork or after the fork.  After fork is safer as each fuzz input
  has a new connection but a bit slower. Opening socket before fork also works
  but special care needs to be done on broken pipe exception - reconnect logic
  is needed. This is not implemented now.
- Client post-processes input data generated by the AFL, e.g., generates length
  fields, can do TLV, etc.

Communication between server/client:
- Client sends `[0, buffer]`. Buffer is raw data structure to be sent to the
  card. `0` is the type / status
- Server responds with: `status 1B | SW1 1B | SW2 1B | timing 2B | data 0-NB`

+----+----+----+--------+------------------------+ | | | | | | | 0 | SW | SW | timing | response data | | | 1 | 2 | | | +----+----+----+--------+------------------------+

Client then takes response from the socket, and uses modified [python-afl-ph4] to add trace to the shared memory segment
that is later analyzed by AFL to determine whether this fuzz input lead to different execution trace than the previous one.

Currently the trace bitmap is done in the following way:
``` python
afl.trace_offset(hashxx(bytes([sw1, sw2])))

Fowler-Noll-Vo (FNV) hash function used in afl.trace_buff is not very good with respect to the zero buffers. The timing was usually not affecting the bitmap so we switched to very fast hash function hashxx for the offset computation.

FNV collisions

FNV is inappropriate for this use case as it returns the same hash for all buffers of the following format: p | 0 | x where p is a fixed prefix, x is random suffix.

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