petteriTeikari / KiMoRe_wrapper

KiMoRe dataset
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KiMoRe Wrangling and Analysis

Matlab wrangling and reshaping

You need to place the Kimore Dataset ../Kimore in relation to this repository (of course you can change this but you need to change the code as well), see:

alt text

Standardizing the data and checking for data quality with the Matlab script matlab_to_R_batch_converter.m (found from matlab-folder)that exports the checked data as .mat and .hdf5 files, with the following hierarchical data structure:

alt text

Joint Data: Subject Code -> excercises -> Ex_idx -> joints -> Joint_Name - > 9 columns [0-8] with as many samples as recorded Column names: time_ms cameraX cameraY cameraZ confidenceState AbsQuat_1 AbsQuat_2 AbsQuat_3 AbsQuat_4

Metadata: gender (0 = female, 1 = male) / age (in years) / group and here the groupis your classification label in integers with the following LUT

alt text Upper row contains RAW values (left, position, right, orientation), and the bottom row contains the timeseries with estimated (non-tracked) joint positions and orientations dropped.


See details about the dataset on the Wiki page

Capecci, M., Ceravolo, M. G., Ferracuti, F., Iarlori, S., Monteriù, A., Romeo, L., & Verdini, F. (2019). The KIMORE dataset: KInematic assessment of MOvement and clinical scores for remote monitoring of physical REhabilitation. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering ( Volume: 27 , Issue: 7 , July 2019 ).