pettni / pdf-abstraction

Now developed in the mdp_network repository
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This package is developed for Python 2.7. Install it as follows:

python install

For development (create links to source code, no need to reinstall after making changes):

python develop

Run tests:


Install Depenencies

pip install cvxopt, cvxpy==0.4.1, polytope

List of TODOs

  1. Move everything into best/ and delete superfluous code

    • Move to best/
    • Get rid of dependence on Models/ and delete it, this will remove dependence on pymdptoolbox
    • Integrate LTI_simrel into a new file best/
  2. Write tests for simulation relations

  3. Implement uniform treatment of regions and abstractions via predicates

  4. Add LTL converter for Buchi/RAbin automata

  5. Update to use version 1.0 of cvxpy

On the horizon...

  1. FIRM abstraction of a POMDP as an MDP (Rohan)

  2. Serial and parallell products with MDPs and POMDPs. Sequential point-based value iteration for such products. (Rohan, Petter)

  3. Barrier-function based abstractions (Petter)