pfalcon / ppxml2db

Scripts to import PortfolioPerformance ( XML into a SQLite DB and export back
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Tools to import/export PortfolioPerformance XML file to/from database

PortfolioPerformance or "PP" for short, is an OpenSource, advanced, full-featured portfolio/asset tracker. It can do a lot of things, but definitely not all that you may want. Given that it stores data in an XML file, it may seem that it would be easy to access data in it, e.g. to produce a custom report, or modify it, e.g. add new transactions or automatically categorize assets. But turns out, that's not the case, as the XML format used by PP is nothing but internal serialization format of 3rd-party library XStream. This format never was intended to be human readable, writable, easy to process by 3rd-party tools, or anything like that.

This project tries to solve address this problem, by providing Python scripts to parse this, effectively proprietary, XML format, store the data into an SQLite database, and perform a reverse operation - export data from such an SQLite database back to the XML format, while achieving as perfect round-trip as possible (meaning that if you import data and immediately export, you will get almost no differences comparing to the original XML file, and if you change some things in the database, then in general, only these changes will be propagated to XML file). Round-tripping is important, because it will allow you to review the changes made to the data in the database, and ensure they correspond to your expectations.

While developing 3rd-party tools is the primary usecase behind this project, it also tries to be a "proof of concept" of the idea of storing PortfolioPerformance data in the database. To that end, database schema is intended to match internal PP object schema pretty well. This means that while writing data manipulation scripts you may need to jump thru some extra hops, but potentially opens a possibility to integrate database backend directly into PP (by making at least a first step - providing a realisitic database schema for that).

What can be done with the resulting database?

Anything you want. Two general directions is read-only access to produce various stats and reports, and write access to modify data, e.g. to write a custom statement importer (much easier in your favorite scripting language than Java, in which PP written), or add custom price feed handler, or add/update data about your assets, e.g. market capitalization or next earnings date - possibilities are limitless.

What's in the repository

Example usage

Note that using Makefile requires POSIX-like operating system (e.g. Linux or Windows Subsystem for Linux) with the make tool. Main scripts are written in Python3.

NOTE: Since version 1.0, ppxml2db requires "XML with 'id' attributes" XML variant of PortfolioPerformance, as introduced in PortfolioPerformance 0.70.3.

  1. Start PortfolioPerformance. Make sure you see "Welcome" page.
  2. On the "Welcome" page, click "Open the Kommer sample file".
  3. "kommer.xml" will open in a new tab.
  4. In the application menu, choose: File -> Save as -> XML with "id" attributes.
  5. Copy the file to this project's directory for easy access.
  6. Create an empty database with all the needed tables: make -B init DB=kommer.db
  7. Import the XML into the database: python3 kommer.xml kommer.db
  8. Export the database to a new XML file: python3 kommer.db kommer.xml.out
  9. Ensure that the new file matches the original character-by-character: diff -u kommer.xml kommer.xml.out

Now let's do something pretty simple, yet useful, and already something which PP itself doesn't do: show how many securities are in this portfolio:

echo "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM security;" | sqlite3 kommer.db

Status and known issues

ppxml2db is an experimental project and work-in-progress. A lot of effort went into achieving as perfect round-trip as realistically possible, and you should always use this capability to confirm that there's no loss or unexpected results on your data. Some of the known issues an TODOs are:

If you are interested in a missing feature to be supported, or a conversion issues to be addressed, please prepare a standalone, small XML file demonstrating a problem and submit a ticket to the project bugtracker: .
