pfmarteau / TWED

Time Warp Edit Distance
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Time Warp Edit Distance

The Time Warp Edit Distance (TWED) is a distance measure for discrete time series matching with time 'elasticity'. In comparison to other distance measures, (e.g. DTW (Dynamic Time Warping) or LCS (Longest Common Subsequence Problem)), TWED is a metric. Its computational time complexity is O(n^2), but can be drastically reduced in some specific situation by using a corridor to reduce the search space. Its memory space complexity can be reduced to O(n). It was first proposed in [1].

TWED_c directory contains a C biding of TWED, nearly two order of magnitude faster that implementation. To install the C version, correct accordingly to your OS and python installation, the paths for including Python.h and arrayobject.h in TWED.C, then execute inside TWED_c subdirectory:

$ python3 install --user

and to test: $ python3

[1] Marteau, P.; F. (2009). "Time Warp Edit Distance with Stiffness Adjustment for Time Series Matching". IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 31 (2): 306–318.