pford68 / angular2-momentum

Angular 2 Examples
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Migrating a small Angular 1 sample to Angular 2. This project was scaffolded with Gulp Scaffold.

Technology Stack

Building and Running

  1. Run gulp clean build to do a clean build.
  2. Run npm run dev to start the server and open the app in Chrome.
    • Configure a different browser in bs-config.json, in the project root.


When NODE_ENV is either blank or set to "development," the app will be built and run in development mode. That means that Watchify will remain active, watching for .ts or .js changes, after the Browserify task has run. Set NODE_ENV to something else, to disable Watchify.

Other tasks like views or sass have to be run manually (or through build) to make the server and browser reload.

Build Configuration


Tsify options, needed for Angular 2 TypeScript and ES6 support:

    target: 'ES6',                  // Necessary, even though the app builds without it when Watchify is active.
    noImplicitAny: false,
    experimentalDecorators: true,
    emitDecoratorMetadata: true,
    noEmitHelpers: false     // CartController.ts:7 Uncaught ReferenceError: __decorate is not defined(…)

Source Maps

Tsify will produce source maps automatically when Browserify's debug option is set to true.