pfy / ga_realtime_nagios

Google Analytics Realtime for Nagios
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Google Analytics Realtime for Nagios



You need Google Analytics Realtime Beta API Access and a valid client_secret.json file which you can get from the google cloud console. You need the view ID of a google anlytics realtime account.

Developer Machine

Install the required python modules

pip install oauth2client

copy client_secret_*.json to client_secrets.json

run the authentification flow


This should generate a file called: analytics.dat

Server Machine

Copy analytics.dat to the server, to /etc/nagios3/analytics.dat and chown nagios /etc/nagios3/analytics.dat. The auth flow has to reset the token sometimes, so it needs write permission.

Install the required python modules

pip install oauth2client google-api-python-client nagiosplugin

Copy to the the server and test it:

python -D /etc/nagios3/analytics.dat -V YOUR_VIEW_ID

It should output something like:

REALTIMEVISITORS OK - activeVisitors is 266 | activeVisitors=266;;;0

Move to the nagios3 plugin directory. In Debian Based Systems, this is: /usr/lib/nagios/plugins

Make an entry in the nagios3 commands file /etc/nagios3/commands.cfg

define command{
    command_name    ga_realtime
    command_line    $USER1$/ -D /etc/nagios3/google_auth_data -V $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$

Add service checks in your nagios files

define service{
    use                             BASE_SERVICE
    host                            HOST
    service_description             activeVisitors
    check_command                   ga_realtime!YOUR_VIEW_ID!WARN_LEVEL!CRITICAL_LEVEL

Restart Nagios /etc/init.d/nagios3 restart

Copyright and License

This projected is licensed under the terms of the GPL license.

© 2013 David Gunzinger, Smooh GmbH