pg-spot-ops / pg-spot-operator

Maintains stateful Postgres on Spot VMs
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PG Spot Operator [Community Edition]

Think of it as one-liner RDS, but at a fraction of the cost! Typical savings of running self-managed EC2 Spot instances are around 5x compared to RDS.

Obviously not meant for all projects as a general RDS replacement, as utilizing Spot instances means one can be interrupted by AWS at any time, and it takes a few minutes to restore the state.

On the other hand - Spot eviction rates are insanely good for the price! The average frequency of interruption is only around 5% per month according to AWS data, meaning - one can expect to run a few months uninterrupted, i.e. still in the 99.9+% uptime range!

Based on concepts familiar from the Kubernetes world - user describes a desired state (min. hardware specs, Postgres version, extensions, admin user password etc) and there's a reconciliation loop of sorts.


Let's say we're a Data Scientists (sexiest job of 21st century, remember?) and need to perform some advanced ad-hoc exploration/analytics on a medium-size dataset of a few hundred GB. Sadly all the available development DBs are not much better than our shiny new MacBook Pro - seems our data exploration quest might not exactly be a lot of fun...

Wait, what about tapping into the power of cloud instead? Let's just spin up a private high-end analytics DB for an as-low-as-it-gets cost!

Just in case let's check the pricing beforehand, though - in most cases it will be much better than 3 year Reserved Instances!

# Step 0 - install the pg-spot-operator package via pip/pipx:
pipx install pg-spot-operator

# Resolve user requirements to actual EC2 instance types and show the cheapest instances in each region:
pg_spot_operator --check-price \
  --region='eu-' --ram-min=128 \
  --storage-min=500 --storage-type=local

Resolving HW requirements to actual instance types / prices using --selection-strategy=cheapest ...
Looking for the top 3 cheapest regions for given HW reqs within: ['eu-central-1', 'eu-central-2', 'eu-north-1', 'eu-south-1', 'eu-south-2', 'eu-west-1', 'eu-west-2', 'eu-west-3']
Top 3 cheapest regions pricing info:
===== REGION eu-south-2 =====
Instance type selected for region eu-south-2: gr6.4xlarge (arm)
Main specs - vCPU: 16, RAM: 128 GB, instance storage: 600 GB nvme
Current monthly Spot price for gr6.4xlarge in region eu-south-2: $155.7
Current Spot vs Ondemand discount rate: -86.7% ($155.7 vs $1167.7), approx. 12x to non-HA RDS
===== REGION eu-north-1 =====
Instance type selected for region eu-north-1: r7gd.4xlarge (arm)
Main specs - vCPU: 16, RAM: 128 GB, instance storage: 950 GB nvme
Current monthly Spot price for r7gd.4xlarge in region eu-north-1: $226.2
Current Spot vs Ondemand discount rate: -72.7% ($226.2 vs $827.4), approx. 6x to non-HA RDS
===== REGION eu-central-2 =====
Instance type selected for region eu-central-2: r6gd.4xlarge (arm)
Main specs - vCPU: 16, RAM: 128 GB, instance storage: 950 GB nvme
Current monthly Spot price for r6gd.4xlarge in region eu-central-2: $238.2
Current Spot vs Ondemand discount rate: -72.8% ($238.2 vs $874.4), approx. 6x to non-HA RDS

Ok seems eu-south-2 is best for us currently with some incredible pricing, as hinted in the log output - a full work day on a very powerful instance will cost us a mere $1.7 - less than a cup of coffee!

For actually launching any AWS instances we of course need a working CLI (~/.aws/credentials) or have some privileged enough access key + secret available or some transparent "assume role" based scheme set up on the operator host.

# In --connstr-output-only mode we can land right into `psql`!
psql $(pg_spot_operator --region=eu-south-2 --ram-min=128 \
  --storage-min=500 --storage-type=local \
  --instance-name=analytics --connstr-output-only \
  --admin-user=pgspotops --admin-user-password=topsecret123

2024-11-19 11:47:32,362 INFO Processing manifest for instance 'analytics' set via CLI / ENV ...
2024-11-19 11:47:40,778 INFO Launching a new spot instance of type gr6.4xlarge in region eu-south-2 ...
2024-11-19 11:47:54,250 INFO OK - aws VM i-07058e08fae07e50d registered for 'instance' analytics (ip_public = , ip_private =
2024-11-19 11:48:04,251 INFO Applying Postgres tuning profile 'default' to given hardware ...
2024-11-19 11:49:58,620 INFO Instance analytics setup completed

psql (17.1 (Ubuntu 17.1-1.pgdg24.04+1), server 16.5 (Debian 16.5-1.pgdg120+1))
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, compression: off, ALPN: none)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# show shared_buffers ;
(1 row)

postgres=# \i my_dataset.sql

postgres=# SELECT ...

PS for more important or long-term purposes you would go with the default --storage-type=network, i.e. EBS, but for our work day or even week it's highly unlikely that the instance will get interrupted, and we rather want speed.

Also note that the instance is tuned according to the hardware already!

Wow, that task went smooth, other people's computers can be really useful sometimes...OK time to call it a day and shut down the instance ...

pg_spot_operator --region=eu-south-2 --instance-name=analytics --teardown

2024-11-19 11:48:04,251 INFO Destroying cloud resources if any for instance analytics ...
2024-11-19 11:48:04,251 INFO OK - cloud resources for instance analytics cleaned-up

PS If you don't yet have a safe AWS playground / credentials - start with a bit of Terraform here and feed the output into --aws-vpc-id, --aws-access-key-id and --aws-secret-access-key CLI params.

General idea


There are a lot of parameters one can specify, to shape the look of hardware and Postgres instance. Common usage though might look something like below. Note that by default we're in "daemon mode" - checking continuously for the instance health and re-building if needed.

Via Docker

An example Postgres v16 instance with a 1d lifetime and some extensions enabled:

docker run --name pg1 -e PGSO_INSTANCE_NAME=pg1 -e PGSO_REGION=eu-north-1 \
  -e PGSO_EXPIRATION_DATE=$(date --utc --date="+1 day" +%Y-%m-%d) \
  -e PGSO_EXTENSIONS=vector,pg_stat_statements -e PGSO_OS_EXTRA_PACKAGES=postgresql-16-pgvector \
  -e PGSO_SSH_KEYS="$(cat ~/.ssh/" -e PGSO_POSTGRESQL_VERSION=16 \
  -e PGSO_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="$(grep -m1 aws_access_key_id ~/.aws/credentials | sed 's/aws_access_key_id = //')" \
  -e PGSO_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="$(grep -m1 aws_secret_access_key ~/.aws/credentials | sed 's/aws_secret_access_key = //')" \

PS The SSH key is optional, to be able to access the cloud VM directly from your workstations for potential troubleshooting etc.

Via Python

pipx install pg-spot-operator
# PS Assuming local AWS CLI is configured!
pg_spot_operator --region=eu-north-1 --ram-min=16 --storage-min=1000 --storage-type=local --check-price

Integrating with user applications

Although the Community Edition is designed for more light use, one can use it also to power real applications (given they cope with the possible service interruptions of course) by either providing a "setup finished" callback hook or just running in special pipe-friendly --connstr-output-only mode. More details here.

PS Real usage assumes that the engine is kept running on a single node only by the user, as there's by design no global synchronization / consensus store to keep things simple.

Enterprise Edition

Although the Community Edition works and is free to use also for all non-compete business purposes, it's taking the simplest approach to persistent Spot instances really, so that some aspects of the solution are "best-efforty" and one could do much more to ensure better uptimes and usability.

If you'd be interested in massive cost saving also for more critical Postgres databases, please register your email address via this form to get notified once the upcoming Enterprise Edition is released.

Most import features of the Enterprise Edition:

Sustainable Open Source / VC info

As crazy as it might sound, we believe that such a solution (in a more polished form) would be a great addition to the Postgres ecosystem and also commercially viable, so we're going to give it a try. To speed up the development though, we'd also be interested in VC dollars - thus feel free to reach out to if you happen to possess some and find the niche interesting.

Project status

Working Beta

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